OpenShift Excluder

Manages the excluder packages which add yum and dnf exclusions ensuring that
the packages we care about are not inadvertantly updated. See



| Name                       | Default Value | Description                            |
| enable_docker_excluder     | enable_excluders | Enable docker excluder. If not set, the docker excluder is ignored. |
| enable_openshift_excluder  | enable_excluders | Enable openshift excluder. If not set, the openshift excluder is ignored. |
| enable_excluders           | None             | Enable all excluders
| enable_docker_excluder_override     | None | indication the docker excluder needs to be enabled |
| disable_openshift_excluder_override | None | indication the openshift excluder needs to be disabled |

Role Variables


Tasks to include

- exclude: enable excluders (assuming excluders are installed)
- unexclude: disable excluders (assuming excluders are installed)
- install: install excluders (installation is followed by excluder enabling)
- enable: enable excluders (optionally with installation step)
- disabled: disable excluders (optionally with installation and status step, the status check that can override which excluder gets enabled/disabled)
- status: determine status of excluders

Example Playbook

It should be possible to manage the two excluders independently though that's not a hard requirement. However it should be done to manage docker on RHEL Containerized hosts.


Apache License, Version 2.0

Author Information

Scott Dodson (