## openshift_logging Role

### Please note this role is still a work in progress

This role is used for installing the Aggregated Logging stack. It should be run against
a single host, it will create any missing certificates and API objects that the current
[logging deployer](https://github.com/openshift/origin-aggregated-logging/tree/master/deployer) does.

This role requires that the control host it is run on has Java installed as part of keystore
generation for Elasticsearch (it uses JKS) as well as openssl to sign certificates.

As part of the installation, it is recommended that you add the Fluentd node selector label
to the list of persisted [node labels](https://docs.openshift.org/latest/install_config/install/advanced_install.html#configuring-node-host-labels).

###Required vars:

- `openshift_logging_install_logging`: When `True` the `openshift_logging` role will install Aggregated Logging.
- `openshift_logging_upgrade_logging`:  When `True` the `openshift_logging` role will upgrade Aggregated Logging.

When both `openshift_logging_install_logging` and `openshift_logging_upgrade_logging` are `False` the `openshift_logging` role will uninstall Aggregated Logging.

###Optional vars:

- `openshift_logging_image_prefix`: The prefix for the logging images to use. Defaults to 'docker.io/openshift/origin-'.
- `openshift_logging_image_version`: The image version for the logging images to use. Defaults to 'latest'.
- `openshift_logging_use_ops`: If 'True', set up a second ES and Kibana cluster for infrastructure logs. Defaults to 'False'.
- `openshift_logging_master_url`: The URL for the Kubernetes master, this does not need to be public facing but should be accessible from within the cluster. Defaults to 'https://kubernetes.default.svc.{{openshift.common.dns_domain}}'.
- `openshift_logging_master_public_url`: The public facing URL for the Kubernetes master, this is used for Authentication redirection. Defaults to 'https://{{openshift.common.public_hostname}}:{{openshift.master.api_port}}'.
- `openshift_logging_namespace`: The namespace that Aggregated Logging will be installed in. Defaults to 'logging'.
- `openshift_logging_curator_default_days`: The default minimum age (in days) Curator uses for deleting log records. Defaults to '30'.
- `openshift_logging_curator_run_hour`: The hour of the day that Curator will run at. Defaults to '0'.
- `openshift_logging_curator_run_minute`: The minute of the hour that Curator will run at. Defaults to '0'.
- `openshift_logging_curator_run_timezone`: The timezone that Curator uses for figuring out its run time. Defaults to 'UTC'.
- `openshift_logging_curator_script_log_level`: The script log level for Curator. Defaults to 'INFO'.
- `openshift_logging_curator_log_level`: The log level for the Curator process. Defaults to 'ERROR'.
- `openshift_logging_curator_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU to allocate to Curator. Default is '100m'.
- `openshift_logging_curator_memory_limit`: The amount of memory to allocate to Curator. Unset if not specified.
- `openshift_logging_curator_nodeselector`: A map of labels (e.g. {"node":"infra","region":"west"} to select the nodes where the curator pod will land.
- `openshift_logging_image_pull_secret`: The name of an existing pull secret to link to the logging service accounts

- `openshift_logging_kibana_hostname`: The Kibana hostname. Defaults to 'kibana.example.com'.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU to allocate to Kibana or unset if not specified.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_memory_limit`: The amount of memory to allocate to Kibana or unset if not specified.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_proxy_debug`: When "True", set the Kibana Proxy log level to DEBUG. Defaults to 'false'.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_proxy_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU to allocate to Kibana proxy or unset if not specified.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_proxy_memory_limit`: The amount of memory to allocate to Kibana proxy or unset if not specified.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_replica_count`: The number of replicas Kibana should be scaled up to. Defaults to 1.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_nodeselector`: A map of labels (e.g. {"node":"infra","region":"west"} to select the nodes where the pod will land.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_edge_term_policy`: Insecure Edge Termination Policy. Defaults to Redirect.

- `openshift_logging_fluentd_nodeselector`: The node selector that the Fluentd daemonset uses to determine where to deploy to. Defaults to '"logging-infra-fluentd": "true"'.
- `openshift_logging_fluentd_cpu_limit`: The CPU limit for Fluentd pods. Defaults to '100m'.
- `openshift_logging_fluentd_memory_limit`: The memory limit for Fluentd pods. Defaults to '512Mi'.
- `openshift_logging_fluentd_es_copy`: Whether or not to use the ES_COPY feature for Fluentd (DEPRECATED). Defaults to 'False'.
- `openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal`: NOTE: Fluentd will attempt to detect whether or not Docker is using the journald log driver when using the default of empty.
- `openshift_logging_fluentd_journal_read_from_head`: If empty, Fluentd will use its internal default, which is false.
- `openshift_logging_fluentd_hosts`: List of nodes that should be labeled for Fluentd to be deployed to. Defaults to ['--all'].

- `openshift_logging_es_host`: The name of the ES service Fluentd should send logs to. Defaults to 'logging-es'.
- `openshift_logging_es_port`: The port for the ES service Fluentd should sent its logs to. Defaults to '9200'.
- `openshift_logging_es_ca`: The location of the ca Fluentd uses to communicate with its openshift_logging_es_host. Defaults to '/etc/fluent/keys/ca'.
- `openshift_logging_es_client_cert`: The location of the client certificate Fluentd uses for openshift_logging_es_host. Defaults to '/etc/fluent/keys/cert'.
- `openshift_logging_es_client_key`: The location of the client key Fluentd uses for openshift_logging_es_host. Defaults to '/etc/fluent/keys/key'.

- `openshift_logging_es_cluster_size`: The number of ES cluster members. Defaults to '1'.
- `openshift_logging_es_cpu_limit`:  The amount of CPU limit for the ES cluster.  Unused if not set
- `openshift_logging_es_memory_limit`: The amount of RAM that should be assigned to ES. Defaults to '8Gi'.
- `openshift_logging_es_log_appenders`: The list of rootLogger appenders for ES logs which can be: 'file', 'console'. Defaults to 'file'.
- `openshift_logging_es_pv_selector`: A key/value map added to a PVC in order to select specific PVs.  Defaults to 'None'.
- `openshift_logging_es_pvc_dynamic`: Whether or not to add the dynamic PVC annotation for any generated PVCs. Defaults to 'False'.
- `openshift_logging_es_pvc_size`: The requested size for the ES PVCs, when not provided the role will not generate any PVCs. Defaults to '""'.
- `openshift_logging_es_pvc_prefix`: The prefix for the generated PVCs. Defaults to 'logging-es'.
- `openshift_logging_es_recover_after_time`: The amount of time ES will wait before it tries to recover. Defaults to '5m'.
- `openshift_logging_es_storage_group`: The storage group used for ES. Defaults to '65534'.
- `openshift_logging_es_nodeselector`: A map of labels (e.g. {"node":"infra","region":"west"} to select the nodes where the pod will land.
- `openshift_logging_es_number_of_shards`: The number of primary shards for every new index created in ES. Defaults to '1'.
- `openshift_logging_es_number_of_replicas`: The number of replica shards per primary shard for every new index. Defaults to '0'.

When `openshift_logging_use_ops` is `True`, there are some additional vars. These work the
same as above for their non-ops counterparts, but apply to the OPS cluster instance:
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_host`: logging-es-ops
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_port`: 9200
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_ca`: /etc/fluent/keys/ca
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_client_cert`: /etc/fluent/keys/cert
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_client_key`: /etc/fluent/keys/key
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_cluster_size`: 1
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_cpu_limit`:  The amount of CPU limit for the ES cluster.  Unused if not set
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_memory_limit`: 8Gi
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_pvc_dynamic`: False
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_pvc_size`: ""
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_pvc_prefix`: logging-es-ops
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_recover_after_time`: 5m
- `openshift_logging_es_ops_storage_group`: 65534
- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_hostname`: The Operations Kibana hostname. Defaults to 'kibana-ops.example.com'.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU to allocate to Kibana or unset if not specified.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_memory_limit`: The amount of memory to allocate to Kibana or unset if not specified.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_proxy_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU to allocate to Kibana proxy or unset if not specified.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_proxy_memory_limit`: The amount of memory to allocate to Kibana proxy or unset if not specified.
- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_replica_count`: The number of replicas Kibana ops should be scaled up to. Defaults to 1.