OpenShift Node

OpenShift Node service installation


One or more OpenShift Master servers.

A RHEL 7.1 host pre-configured with access to the rhel-7-server-rpms,
rhel-7-server-extras-rpms, and rhel-server-7-ose-beta-rpms repos.

Role Variables
From this role:
| Name                                     | Default value         |                                        |
| openshift_node_manage_service_externally | False                 | Should the openshift-node role manage the openshift-node service? |
| openshift_node_debug_level               | openshift_debug_level | Verbosity of the debug logs for openshift-node |
| openshift_master_public_ips              | UNDEF (Required)      | List of the public IPs for the openhift-master hosts |
| openshift_master_ips                     | UNDEF (Required)      | List of IP addresses for the openshift-master hosts to be used for node -> master communication |
| openshift_registry_url                   | UNDEF (Optional)      | Default docker registry to use |

From openshift_common:
| Name                          |  Default Value      |                     | 
| openshift_debug_level         | 0                   | Global openshift debug log verbosity |
| openshift_public_ip           | UNDEF (Required)    | Public IP address to use for this host |
| openshift_hostname            | UNDEF (Required)    | hostname to use for this instance |



Example Playbook



Apache License, Version 2.0

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