path: root/python/astra/data3d_c.pyx
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authorDaniel M. Pelt <>2015-02-24 12:35:45 +0100
committerDaniel M. Pelt <>2015-02-24 12:35:45 +0100
commit3cae1d138c53a3fd042de3d2c9d9a07cf0650e0f (patch)
tree72f1bf197b33cfb64f259089830910a9754e5893 /python/astra/data3d_c.pyx
parente212ab0d4f84adafa0a2fe11f5e16f856504769a (diff)
Added Python interface
Diffstat (limited to 'python/astra/data3d_c.pyx')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/astra/data3d_c.pyx b/python/astra/data3d_c.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f821aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/astra/data3d_c.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+#Copyright 2013 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam
+#Author: Daniel M. Pelt
+#This file is part of the Python interface to the
+#All Scale Tomographic Reconstruction Antwerp Toolbox ("ASTRA Toolbox").
+#The Python interface to the ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#(at your option) any later version.
+#The Python interface to the ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with the Python interface to the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <>.
+# distutils: language = c++
+# distutils: libraries = astra
+import six
+cimport cython
+cimport PyData3DManager
+from .PyData3DManager cimport CData3DManager
+from .PyIncludes cimport *
+import numpy as np
+cimport numpy as np
+cimport PyXMLDocument
+from .PyXMLDocument cimport XMLDocument
+cimport utils
+from .utils import wrap_from_bytes
+cdef CData3DManager * man3d = <CData3DManager * >PyData3DManager.getSingletonPtr()
+cdef extern from *:
+ CFloat32Data3DMemory * dynamic_cast_mem "dynamic_cast<astra::CFloat32Data3DMemory*>" (CFloat32Data3D * ) except NULL
+def create(datatype,geometry,data=None):
+ cdef XMLDocument * xml
+ cdef Config cfg
+ cdef CVolumeGeometry3D * pGeometry
+ cdef CProjectionGeometry3D * ppGeometry
+ cdef CFloat32Data3DMemory * pDataObject3D
+ cdef CConeProjectionGeometry3D* pppGeometry
+ if datatype == '-vol':
+ xml = utils.dict2XML(six.b('VolumeGeometry'), geometry)
+ cfg.self = xml.getRootNode()
+ pGeometry = new CVolumeGeometry3D()
+ if not pGeometry.initialize(cfg):
+ del xml
+ del pGeometry
+ raise Exception('Geometry class not initialized.')
+ pDataObject3D = <CFloat32Data3DMemory * > new CFloat32VolumeData3DMemory(pGeometry)
+ del xml
+ del pGeometry
+ elif datatype == '-sino' or datatype == '-proj3d':
+ xml = utils.dict2XML(six.b('ProjectionGeometry'), geometry)
+ cfg.self = xml.getRootNode()
+ tpe = wrap_from_bytes(cfg.self.getAttribute(six.b('type')))
+ if (tpe == "parallel3d"):
+ ppGeometry = <CProjectionGeometry3D*> new CParallelProjectionGeometry3D();
+ elif (tpe == "parallel3d_vec"):
+ ppGeometry = <CProjectionGeometry3D*> new CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D();
+ elif (tpe == "cone"):
+ ppGeometry = <CProjectionGeometry3D*> new CConeProjectionGeometry3D();
+ elif (tpe == "cone_vec"):
+ ppGeometry = <CProjectionGeometry3D*> new CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D();
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Invalid geometry type.")
+ if not ppGeometry.initialize(cfg):
+ del xml
+ del ppGeometry
+ raise Exception('Geometry class not initialized.')
+ pDataObject3D = <CFloat32Data3DMemory * > new CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory(ppGeometry)
+ del ppGeometry
+ del xml
+ elif datatype == "-sinocone":
+ xml = utils.dict2XML(six.b('ProjectionGeometry'), geometry)
+ cfg.self = xml.getRootNode()
+ pppGeometry = new CConeProjectionGeometry3D()
+ if not pppGeometry.initialize(cfg):
+ del xml
+ del pppGeometry
+ raise Exception('Geometry class not initialized.')
+ pDataObject3D = <CFloat32Data3DMemory * > new CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory(pppGeometry)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Invalid datatype. Please specify '-vol' or '-proj3d'.")
+ if not pDataObject3D.isInitialized():
+ del pDataObject3D
+ raise Exception("Couldn't initialize data object.")
+ fillDataObject(pDataObject3D, data)
+ pDataObject3D.updateStatistics()
+ return<CFloat32Data3D*>pDataObject3D)
+cdef fillDataObject(CFloat32Data3DMemory * obj, data):
+ if data is None:
+ fillDataObjectScalar(obj, 0)
+ else:
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ fillDataObjectArray(obj, np.ascontiguousarray(data,dtype=np.float32))
+ else:
+ fillDataObjectScalar(obj, np.float32(data))
+cdef fillDataObjectScalar(CFloat32Data3DMemory * obj, float s):
+ cdef int i
+ for i in range(obj.getSize()):
+ obj.getData()[i] = s
+cdef fillDataObjectArray(CFloat32Data3DMemory * obj, float [:,:,::1] data):
+ if (not data.shape[0] == obj.getDepth()) or (not data.shape[1] == obj.getHeight()) or (not data.shape[2] == obj.getWidth()):
+ raise Exception(
+ "The dimensions of the data do not match those specified in the geometry.")
+ cdef float [:,:,::1] cView = <float[:data.shape[0],:data.shape[1],:data.shape[2]]> obj.getData3D()[0][0]
+ cView[:] = data
+cdef CFloat32Data3D * getObject(i) except NULL:
+ cdef CFloat32Data3D * pDataObject = man3d.get(i)
+ if pDataObject == NULL:
+ raise Exception("Data object not found")
+ if not pDataObject.isInitialized():
+ raise Exception("Data object not initialized properly.")
+ return pDataObject
+def get(i):
+ cdef CFloat32Data3DMemory * pDataObject = dynamic_cast_mem(getObject(i))
+ outArr = np.empty((pDataObject.getDepth(),pDataObject.getHeight(), pDataObject.getWidth()),dtype=np.float32,order='C')
+ cdef float [:,:,::1] mView = outArr
+ cdef float [:,:,::1] cView = <float[:outArr.shape[0],:outArr.shape[1],:outArr.shape[2]]> pDataObject.getData3D()[0][0]
+ mView[:] = cView
+ return outArr
+def get_shared(i):
+ cdef CFloat32Data3DMemory * pDataObject = dynamic_cast_mem(getObject(i))
+ outArr = np.empty((pDataObject.getDepth(),pDataObject.getHeight(), pDataObject.getWidth()),dtype=np.float32,order='C')
+ cdef np.npy_intp shape[3]
+ shape[0] = <np.npy_intp> pDataObject.getDepth()
+ shape[1] = <np.npy_intp> pDataObject.getHeight()
+ shape[2] = <np.npy_intp> pDataObject.getWidth()
+ return np.PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(3,shape,np.NPY_FLOAT32,<void *>pDataObject.getData3D()[0][0])
+def get_single(i):
+ raise Exception("Not yet implemented")
+def store(i,data):
+ cdef CFloat32Data3D * pDataObject = getObject(i)
+ fillDataObject(dynamic_cast_mem(pDataObject), data)
+def dimensions(i):
+ cdef CFloat32Data3D * pDataObject = getObject(i)
+ return (pDataObject.getWidth(),pDataObject.getHeight(),pDataObject.getDepth())
+def delete(ids):
+ try:
+ for i in ids:
+ man3d.remove(i)
+ except TypeError:
+ man3d.remove(ids)
+def clear():
+ man3d.clear()
+def info():
+ six.print_(wrap_from_bytes(