%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox % % Copyright: 2010-2021, imec Vision Lab, University of Antwerp % 2014-2021, CWI, Amsterdam % License: Open Source under GPLv3 % Contact: astra@astra-toolbox.com % Website: http://www.astra-toolbox.com/ %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- classdef IterativeTomography3D < matlab.mixin.Copyable % Algorithm class for 3D Iterative Tomography. %---------------------------------------------------------------------- properties (SetAccess=public, GetAccess=public) superresolution = 1; % SETTING: Volume upsampling factor. proj_type = 'linear'; % SETTING: Projector type, only when gpu='no'. method = 'SIRT3D_CUDA'; % SETTING: Iterative method (see ASTRA toolbox documentation). gpu = 'yes'; % SETTING: Use gpu? {'yes', 'no'} gpu_core = 0; % SETTING: Which gpu core to use? Only when gpu='yes'. inner_circle = 'yes'; % SETTING: Do roi only? {'yes', 'no'} image_size = []; % SETTING: Overwrite default reconstruction size. Only if no vol_geom is specified. use_minc = 'no'; % SETTING: Use minimum constraint. {'no', 'yes'} maxc = +Inf; % SETTING: Maximum constraint. +Inf means off. end %---------------------------------------------------------------------- properties (SetAccess=public, GetAccess=public) sinogram = []; % DATA: Projection data. proj_geom = []; % DATA: Projection geometry. V = []; % DATA: Volume data. Also used to set initial estimate (optional). vol_geom = []; % DATA: Volume geometry. end %---------------------------------------------------------------------- properties (SetAccess=private, GetAccess=public) initialized = 0; % Is this object initialized? end %---------------------------------------------------------------------- properties (SetAccess=protected, GetAccess=protected) proj_geom_sr = []; % PROTECTED: geometry of sinogram (with super-resolution) proj_id = []; % PROTECTED: astra id of projector (when gpu='no') proj_id_sr = []; % PROTECTED: astra id of super-resolution projector (when gpu='no') cfg_base = struct(); % PROTECTED: base configuration structure for the reconstruction algorithm. end %---------------------------------------------------------------------- methods (Access=public) %------------------------------------------------------------------ function this = IterativeTomography3D(varargin) % Constructor % >> tomography = IterativeTomography3D(proj_geom); % >> tomography = IterativeTomography3D(proj_geom, vol_geom); % Input: IterativeTomography(proj_geom) if nargin == 1 this.proj_geom = varargin{1}; % Input: IterativeTomography(proj_geom, vol_geom) elseif nargin == 2 this.proj_geom = varargin{1}; this.vol_geom = varargin{2}; end end %------------------------------------------------------------------ function delete(this) % Destructor % >> clear tomography; if strcmp(this.gpu,'no') && numel(this.proj_id) > 0 astra_mex_projector('delete', this.proj_id, this.proj_id_sr); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------ function settings = getsettings(this) % Returns a structure containing all settings of this object. % >> settings = tomography.getsettings(); settings.superresolution = this.superresolution; settings.proj_type = this.proj_type; settings.method = this.method; settings.gpu = this.gpu; settings.gpu_core = this.gpu_core; settings.inner_circle = this.inner_circle; settings.image_size = this.image_size; settings.use_minc = this.use_minc; settings.maxc = this.maxc; end %------------------------------------------------------------------ function ok = initialize(this) % Initialize this object. Returns 1 if succesful. % >> tomography.initialize(); % % create projection geometry with super-resolution % this.proj_geom_sr = astra_geom_superresolution(this.proj_geom, this.superresolution); % if no volume geometry is specified by the user: create volume geometry if numel(this.vol_geom) == 0 if numel(this.image_size) < 2 this.image_size(1) = this.proj_geom.DetectorRowCount; this.image_size(2) = this.proj_geom.DetectorColCount; end this.vol_geom = astra_create_vol_geom(this.proj_geom.DetectorColCount, this.proj_geom.DetectorColCount, this.proj_geom.DetectorRowCount); else this.image_size(1) = this.vol_geom.GridRowCount; this.image_size(2) = this.vol_geom.GridColCount; end % create projector if strcmp(this.gpu, 'no') this.proj_id = astra_create_projector(this.proj_type, this.proj_geom, this.vol_geom); this.proj_id_sr = astra_create_projector(this.proj_type, this.proj_geom_sr, this.vol_geom); end % create reconstruction configuration this.cfg_base = astra_struct(upper(this.method)); if strcmp(this.gpu,'no') this.cfg_base.ProjectorId = this.proj_id; this.cfg_base.ProjectionGeometry = this.proj_geom; this.cfg_base.ReconstructionGeometry = this.vol_geom; this.cfg_base.option.ProjectionOrder = 'random'; end this.cfg_base.option.DetectorSuperSampling = this.superresolution; if strcmp(this.gpu,'yes') this.cfg_base.option.GPUindex = this.gpu_core; end this.cfg_base.option.UseMinConstraint = this.use_minc; if ~isinf(this.maxc) this.cfg_base.option.UseMaxConstraint = 'yes'; this.cfg_base.option.MaxConstraintValue = this.maxc; end this.initialized = 1; ok = this.initialized; end %------------------------------------------------------------------ function projections = project(this, volume) % Compute forward projection. % >> projections = tomography.project(volume); if ~this.initialized this.initialize(); end % project projections = this.project_c(volume); end %------------------------------------------------------------------ function reconstruction = reconstruct(this, varargin) % Compute reconstruction. % Uses tomography.sinogram % Initial solution (if available) should be stored in tomography.V % >> reconstruction = tomography.reconstruct(projections, iterations); % >> reconstruction = tomography.reconstruct(projections, volume0, iterations); if ~this.initialized this.initialize(); end if numel(varargin) == 2 reconstruction = this.reconstruct_c(varargin{1}, [], [], varargin{2}); elseif numel(varargin) == 3 reconstruction = this.reconstruct_c(varargin{1}, varargin{2}, [], varargin{3}); else error('invalid parameter list') end if strcmp(this.inner_circle,'yes') reconstruction = this.selectROI(reconstruction); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------ function reconstruction = reconstruct_mask(this, varargin) % Compute reconstruction with mask. % Uses tomography.sinogram % Initial solution (if available) should be stored in tomography.V % >> reconstruction = tomography.reconstructMask(projections, mask, iterations); % >> reconstruction = tomography.reconstructMask(projections, volume0, mask, iterations); if ~this.initialized this.initialize(); end if numel(varargin) == 3 reconstruction = this.reconstruct_c(varargin{1}, [], varargin{2}, varargin{3}); elseif numel(varargin) == 4 reconstruction = this.reconstruct_c(varargin{1}, varargin{2}, varargin{3}, varargin{4}); else error('invalid parameter list') end if strcmp(this.inner_circle,'yes') reconstruction = this.selectROI(reconstruction); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------ end %---------------------------------------------------------------------- methods (Access = protected) %------------------------------------------------------------------ % Protected function: create FP function sinogram = project_c(this, volume) if this.initialized == 0 error('IterativeTomography not initialized'); end % data is stored in astra memory if numel(volume) == 1 if strcmp(this.gpu, 'yes') sinogram_tmp = astra_create_sino_cuda(volume, this.proj_geom_sr, this.vol_geom, this.gpu_core); else sinogram_tmp = astra_create_sino(volume, this.proj_id); end % sinogram downsampling if this.superresolution > 1 sinogram_data = astra_mex_data2d('get', sinogram_tmp); astra_mex_data2d('delete', sinogram_tmp); sinogram_data = downsample_sinogram(sinogram_data, this.superresolution); sinogram = astra_mex_data2d('create', 'sino', this.proj_geom, sinogram_data); else sinogram = sinogram_tmp; end % data is stored in matlab memory else [tmp_id, sinogram] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(volume, this.proj_geom, this.vol_geom); astra_mex_data3d('delete', tmp_id); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------ % Protected function: reconstruct function V = reconstruct_c(this, sinogram, V0, mask, iterations) if this.initialized == 0 error('IterativeTomography not initialized'); end % data is stored in astra memory if numel(sinogram) == 1 V = this.reconstruct_c_astra(sinogram, V0, mask, iterations); % data is stored in matlab memory else V = this.reconstruct_c_matlab(sinogram, V0, mask, iterations); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------ % Protected function: reconstruct (data in matlab) function V = reconstruct_c_matlab(this, sinogram, V0, mask, iterations) if this.initialized == 0 error('IterativeTomography not initialized'); end % parse method method2 = upper(this.method); if strcmp(method2, 'SART') || strcmp(method2, 'SART_CUDA') iterations = iterations * size(sinogram,1); elseif strcmp(method2, 'ART') iterations = iterations * numel(sinogram); end % create data objects % V = zeros(this.vol_geom.GridRowCount, this.vol_geom.GridColCount, size(sinogram,3)); reconstruction_id = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-vol', this.vol_geom); sinogram_id = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-proj3d', this.proj_geom); if numel(mask) > 0 mask_id = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-vol', this.vol_geom); end % algorithm configuration cfg = this.cfg_base; cfg.ProjectionDataId = sinogram_id; cfg.ReconstructionDataId = reconstruction_id; if numel(mask) > 0 cfg.option.ReconstructionMaskId = mask_id; end alg_id = astra_mex_algorithm('create', cfg); % % loop slices % for slice = 1:size(sinogram,3) % fetch slice of initial reconstruction if numel(V0) > 0 astra_mex_data3d('store', reconstruction_id, V0); else astra_mex_data3d('store', reconstruction_id, 0); end % fetch slice of sinogram astra_mex_data3d('store', sinogram_id, sinogram); % fecth slice of mask if numel(mask) > 0 astra_mex_data3d('store', mask_id, mask); end % iterate astra_mex_algorithm('iterate', alg_id, iterations); % fetch data V = astra_mex_data3d('get', reconstruction_id); % end % correct attenuation factors for super-resolution if this.superresolution > 1 && strcmp(this.gpu,'yes') if strcmp(this.proj_geom.type,'fanflat_vec') || strcmp(this.proj_geom.type,'fanflat') if numel(mask) > 0 V(mask > 0) = V(mask > 0) ./ this.superresolution; else V = V ./ this.superresolution; end end end % garbage collection astra_mex_algorithm('delete', alg_id); astra_mex_data3d('delete', sinogram_id, reconstruction_id); if numel(mask) > 0 astra_mex_data3d('delete', mask_id); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------ % Protected function: reconstruct (data in astra) function V = reconstruct_c_astra(this, sinogram, V0, mask, iterations) if this.initialized == 0 error('IterativeTomography not initialized'); end if numel(V0) > 1 || numel(mask) > 1 || numel(sinogram) > 1 error('Not all required data is stored in the astra memory'); end if numel(V0) == 0 V0 = astra_mex_data2d('create', '-vol', this.vol_geom, 0); end % parse method method2 = upper(this.method); if strcmp(method2, 'SART') || strcmp(method2, 'SART_CUDA') iterations = iterations * astra_geom_size(this.proj_geom, 1); elseif strcmp(method2, 'ART') s = astra_geom_size(this.proj_geom); iterations = iterations * s(1) * s(2); end % algorithm configuration cfg = this.cfg_base; cfg.ProjectionDataId = sinogram; cfg.ReconstructionDataId = V0; if numel(mask) > 0 cfg.option.ReconstructionMaskId = mask; end alg_id = astra_mex_algorithm('create', cfg); % iterate astra_mex_algorithm('iterate', alg_id, iterations); % fetch data V = V0; % correct attenuation factors for super-resolution if this.superresolution > 1 if strcmp(this.proj_geom.type,'fanflat_vec') || strcmp(this.proj_geom.type,'fanflat') if numel(mask) > 0 astra_data_op_masked('$1./s1', [V V], [this.superresolution this.superresolution], mask, this.gpu_core); else astra_data_op('$1./s1', [V V], [this.superresolution this.superresolution], this.gpu_core); end end end % garbage collection astra_mex_algorithm('delete', alg_id); end %------------------------------------------------------------------ function V_out = selectROI(~, V_in) if numel(V_in) == 1 cfg = astra_struct('RoiSelect_CUDA'); cfg.DataId = V_in; alg_id = astra_mex_algorithm('create',cfg); astra_mex_algorithm('run', alg_id); astra_mex_algorithm('delete', alg_id); V_out = V_in; else V_out = ROIselectfull(V_in, min([size(V_in,1), size(V_in,2)])); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------ end end