diff options
authorEdoardo Pasca <>2019-02-20 15:07:24 +0000
committerEdoardo Pasca <>2019-02-20 15:07:24 +0000
commitdc81b230647184acb735e0003a8f49aaf6f37a97 (patch)
parent7e0ed0c5fef0382d6b6903d8132fd06a2c4d2967 (diff)
first working implementation of CGLS with CompositeOperator/DataContainer
notice problem with _rmul_ and _mul_ methods precedence with numpy.
1 files changed, 818 insertions, 646 deletions
diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/operators/ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/operators/
index be2d525..77abb8c 100755
--- a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/operators/
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/operators/
@@ -1,647 +1,819 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Created on Thu Feb 14 12:36:40 2019
-@author: ofn77899
-#from ccpi.optimisation.ops import Operator
-import numpy
-from numbers import Number
-import functools
-from ccpi.framework import AcquisitionData, ImageData
-class Operator(object):
- '''Operator that maps from a space X -> Y'''
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- self.scalar = 1
- def is_linear(self):
- '''Returns if the operator is linear'''
- return False
- def direct(self,x, out=None):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def size(self):
- # To be defined for specific class
- raise NotImplementedError
- def norm(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def allocate_direct(self):
- '''Allocates memory on the Y space'''
- raise NotImplementedError
- def allocate_adjoint(self):
- '''Allocates memory on the X space'''
- raise NotImplementedError
- def range_dim(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def domain_dim(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def __rmul__(self, other):
- assert isinstance(other, Number)
- self.scalar = other
- return self
-class LinearOperator(Operator):
- '''Operator that maps from a space X -> Y'''
- def is_linear(self):
- '''Returns if the operator is linear'''
- return True
- def adjoint(self,x, out=None):
- raise NotImplementedError
-# this should go in the framework
-class CompositeDataContainer(object):
- '''Class to hold a composite operator'''
- def __init__(self, *args, shape=None):
- '''containers must be passed row by row'''
- self.containers = args
- self.index = 0
- if shape is None:
- shape = (len(args),1)
- self.shape = shape
- n_elements = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, shape, 1)
- if len(args) != n_elements:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Dimension and size do not match: expected {} got {}'
- .format(n_elements,len(args)))
-# for i in range(shape[0]):
-# b.append([])
-# for j in range(shape[1]):
-# b[-1].append(args[i*shape[1]+j])
-# indices.append(i*shape[1]+j)
-# self.containers = b
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- '''python2 backwards compatibility'''
- return self.__next__()
- def __next__(self):
- try:
- out = self[self.index]
- except IndexError as ie:
- raise StopIteration()
- self.index+=1
- return out
- def is_compatible(self, other):
- '''basic check if the size of the 2 objects fit'''
- if isinstance(other, Number):
- return True
- elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
- # TODO look elements should be numbers
- for ot in other:
- if not isinstance(ot, Number):
- raise ValueError('List/ numpy array can only contain numbers')
- return len(self.containers) == len(other)
- return len(self.containers) == len(other.containers)
- def get_item(self, row, col=0):
- if row > self.shape[0]:
- raise ValueError('Requested row {} > max {}'.format(row, self.shape[0]))
- if col > self.shape[1]:
- raise ValueError('Requested col {} > max {}'.format(col, self.shape[1]))
- index = row*self.shape[1]+col
- return self.containers[index]
- def add(self, other, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
- assert self.is_compatible(other)
- if isinstance(other, Number):
- return type(self)(*[ el.add(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
- elif isinstance(other, list):
- return type(self)(*[ el.add(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
- return type(self)(*[ el.add(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
- def subtract(self, other, out=None , *args, **kwargs):
- assert self.is_compatible(other)
- if isinstance(other, Number):
- return type(self)(*[ el.subtract(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
- elif isinstance(other, list):
- return type(self)(*[ el.subtract(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
- return type(self)(*[ el.subtract(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
- def multiply(self, other , out=None, *args, **kwargs):
- assert self.is_compatible(other)
- if isinstance(other, Number):
- return type(self)(*[ el.multiply(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
- elif isinstance(other, list):
- return type(self)(*[ el.multiply(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
- return type(self)(*[ el.multiply(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
- def divide(self, other , out=None ,*args, **kwargs):
- assert self.is_compatible(other)
- if isinstance(other, Number):
- return type(self)(*[ el.divide(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
- elif isinstance(other, list):
- return type(self)(*[ el.divide(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
- return type(self)(*[ el.divide(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
- def power(self, other , out=None, *args, **kwargs):
- assert self.is_compatible(other)
- if isinstance(other, Number):
- return type(self)(*[ el.power(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
- elif isinstance(other, list):
- return type(self)(*[ el.power(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
- return type(self)(*[ el.power(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
- def maximum(self,other, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
- assert self.is_compatible(other)
- if isinstance(other, Number):
- return type(self)(*[ el.maximum(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
- elif isinstance(other, list):
- return type(self)(*[ el.maximum(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
- return type(self)(*[ el.maximum(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
- ## unary operations
- def abs(self, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
- return type(self)(*[ el.abs(out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
- def sign(self, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
- return type(self)(*[ el.sign(out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
- def sqrt(self, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
- return type(self)(*[ el.sqrt(out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
- ## reductions
- def sum(self, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
- return numpy.asarray([ el.sum(*args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
- def copy(self):
- '''alias of clone'''
- return self.clone()
- def clone(self):
- return type(self)(*[el.copy() for el in self.containers])
- def __add__(self, other):
- return self.add( other )
- # __radd__
- def __sub__(self, other):
- return self.subtract( other )
- # __rsub__
- def __mul__(self, other):
- return self.multiply(other)
- # __rmul__
- def __div__(self, other):
- return self.divide(other)
- # __rdiv__
- def __truediv__(self, other):
- return self.divide(other)
- def __pow__(self, other):
- return self.power(other)
- # reverse operand
- def __radd__(self, other):
- return self + other
- # __radd__
- def __rsub__(self, other):
- return (-1 * self) + other
- # __rsub__
- def __rmul__(self, other):
- return self * other
- # __rmul__
- def __rdiv__(self, other):
- print ("call __rdiv__")
- return pow(self / other, -1)
- # __rdiv__
- def __rtruediv__(self, other):
- return self.__rdiv__(other)
- def __rpow__(self, other):
- return other.power(self)
- def __iadd__(self, other):
- if isinstance (other, CompositeDataContainer):
- for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other.containers):
- el += ot
- elif isinstance(other, Number):
- for el in self.containers:
- el += other
- elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
- assert self.is_compatible(other)
- for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other):
- el += ot
- return self
- # __radd__
- def __isub__(self, other):
- if isinstance (other, CompositeDataContainer):
- for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other.containers):
- el -= ot
- elif isinstance(other, Number):
- for el in self.containers:
- el -= other
- elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
- assert self.is_compatible(other)
- for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other):
- el -= ot
- return self
- # __rsub__
- def __imul__(self, other):
- if isinstance (other, CompositeDataContainer):
- for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other.containers):
- el *= ot
- elif isinstance(other, Number):
- for el in self.containers:
- el *= other
- elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
- assert self.is_compatible(other)
- for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other):
- el *= ot
- return self
- # __imul__
- def __idiv__(self, other):
- if isinstance (other, CompositeDataContainer):
- for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other.containers):
- el /= ot
- elif isinstance(other, Number):
- for el in self.containers:
- el /= other
- elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
- assert self.is_compatible(other)
- for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other):
- el /= ot
- return self
- # __rdiv__
- def __itruediv__(self, other):
- return self.__idiv__(other)
- def norm(self):
- y = numpy.asarray([el.norm().sum() for el in self.containers])
- return y.sum()
-class CompositeOperator(Operator):
- '''Class to hold a composite operator'''
- def __init__(self, *args, shape=None):
- self.operators = args
- if shape is None:
- shape = (len(args),1)
- self.shape = shape
- n_elements = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, shape, 1)
- if len(args) != n_elements:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Dimension and size do not match: expected {} got {}'
- .format(n_elements,len(args)))
- def get_item(self, row, col):
- if row > self.shape[0]:
- raise ValueError('Requested row {} > max {}'.format(row, self.shape[0]))
- if col > self.shape[1]:
- raise ValueError('Requested col {} > max {}'.format(col, self.shape[1]))
- index = row*self.shape[1]+col
- return self.operators[index]
- def norm(self):
- norm = [op.norm() for op in self.operators]
- b = []
- for i in range(self.shape[0]):
- b.append([])
- for j in range(self.shape[1]):
- b[-1].append(norm[i*self.shape[1]+j])
- return numpy.asarray(b)
- def direct(self, x, out=None):
- shape = self.get_output_shape(x.shape)
- res = []
- for row in range(self.shape[0]):
- for col in range(self.shape[1]):
- if col == 0:
- prod = self.get_item(row,col).direct(x.get_item(col))
- else:
- prod += self.get_item(row,col).direct(x.get_item(col))
- res.append(prod)
- print ("len res" , len(res))
- return CompositeDataContainer(*res, shape=shape)
- def adjoint(self, x, out=None):
- shape = self.get_output_shape(x.shape, adjoint=True)
- res = []
- for row in range(self.shape[1]):
- for col in range(self.shape[0]):
- if col == 0:
- prod = self.get_item(row,col).adjoint(x.get_item(col))
- else:
- prod += self.get_item(row,col).adjoint(x.get_item(col))
- res.append(prod)
- return CompositeDataContainer(*res, shape=shape)
- def get_output_shape(self, xshape, adjoint=False):
- print ("operator shape {} data shape {}".format(self.shape, xshape))
- sshape = self.shape[1]
- oshape = self.shape[0]
- if adjoint:
- sshape = self.shape[0]
- oshape = self.shape[1]
- if sshape != xshape[0]:
- raise ValueError('Incompatible shapes {} {}'.format(self.shape, xshape))
- print ((oshape, xshape[-1]))
- return (oshape, xshape[-1])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- #from ccpi.optimisation.Algorithms import GradientDescent
- from ccpi.plugins.ops import CCPiProjectorSimple
- from ccpi.optimisation.ops import PowerMethodNonsquare
- from ccpi.optimisation.ops import TomoIdentity
- from ccpi.optimisation.funcs import Norm2sq, Norm1
- from ccpi.framework import ImageGeometry, AcquisitionGeometry
- from ccpi.optimisation.Algorithms import CGLS
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- ig0 = ImageGeometry(2,3,4)
- ig1 = ImageGeometry(12,42,55,32)
- data0 = ImageData(geometry=ig0)
- data1 = ImageData(geometry=ig1) + 1
- data2 = ImageData(geometry=ig0) + 2
- data3 = ImageData(geometry=ig1) + 3
- cp0 = CompositeDataContainer(data0,data1)
- cp1 = CompositeDataContainer(data2,data3)
- a = [ (el, ot) for el,ot in zip(cp0.containers,cp1.containers)]
- print (a[0][0].shape)
- #cp2 = CompositeDataContainer(*a)
- cp2 = cp0.add(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 2.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 4.)
- cp2 = cp0 + cp1
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 2.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 4.)
- cp2 = cp0 + 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0 + [1 ,2]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 3., decimal = 5)
- cp2 += cp1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +3. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +6., decimal = 5)
- cp2 += 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +4. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +7., decimal = 5)
- cp2 += [-2,-1]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 6., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0.subtract(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
- cp2 = cp0 - cp1
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
- cp2 = cp0 - 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -1. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0, decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0 - [1 ,2]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -1. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -1., decimal = 5)
- cp2 -= cp1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -3. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -4., decimal = 5)
- cp2 -= 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -4. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -5., decimal = 5)
- cp2 -= [-2,-1]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -2. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -4., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0.multiply(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 3.)
- cp2 = cp0 * cp1
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 3.)
- cp2 = cp0 * 2
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2, decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0 * [3 ,2]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
- cp2 *= cp1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0 , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +6., decimal = 5)
- cp2 *= 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +6., decimal = 5)
- cp2 *= [-2,-1]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -6., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0.divide(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1./3., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0/cp1
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1./3., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0 / 2
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5, decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0 / [3 ,2]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5, decimal = 5)
- cp2 += 1
- cp2 /= cp1
- # TODO fix inplace division
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1./2 , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1.5/3., decimal = 5)
- cp2 /= 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5 , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5, decimal = 5)
- cp2 /= [-2,-1]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -0.5/2. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -0.5, decimal = 5)
- ####
- cp2 = cp0.power(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0**cp1
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0 ** 2
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0., decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0.maximum(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == cp1.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0])
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0.abs()
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 0., decimal=4)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0.subtract(cp1)
- s = cp2.sign()
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0], -1., decimal=4)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], -1., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0.add(cp1)
- s = cp2.sqrt()
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0], numpy.sqrt(2), decimal=4)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], numpy.sqrt(4), decimal=4)
- s = cp0.sum()
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s[0], 0, decimal=4)
- s0 = 1
- s1 = 1
- for i in cp0.get_item(0,0).shape:
- s0 *= i
- for i in cp0.get_item(1,0).shape:
- s1 *= i
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s[1], cp0.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0]*s0 +cp0.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0]*s1, decimal=4)
- # Set up phantom size N x N x vert by creating ImageGeometry, initialising the
- # ImageData object with this geometry and empty array and finally put some
- # data into its array, and display one slice as image.
- # Image parameters
- N = 128
- vert = 4
- # Set up image geometry
- ig = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x=N,
- voxel_num_y=N,
- voxel_num_z=vert)
- # Set up empty image data
- Phantom = ImageData(geometry=ig,
- dimension_labels=['horizontal_x',
- 'horizontal_y',
- 'vertical'])
- # Populate image data by looping over and filling slices
- i = 0
- while i < vert:
- if vert > 1:
- x = Phantom.subset(vertical=i).array
- else:
- x = Phantom.array
- x[round(N/4):round(3*N/4),round(N/4):round(3*N/4)] = 0.5
- x[round(N/8):round(7*N/8),round(3*N/8):round(5*N/8)] = 0.98
- if vert > 1 :
- Phantom.fill(x, vertical=i)
- i += 1
- # Display slice of phantom
- if vert > 1:
- plt.imshow(Phantom.subset(vertical=0).as_array())
- else:
- plt.imshow(Phantom.as_array())
- # Set up AcquisitionGeometry object to hold the parameters of the measurement
- # setup geometry: # Number of angles, the actual angles from 0 to
- # pi for parallel beam, set the width of a detector
- # pixel relative to an object pixe and the number of detector pixels.
- angles_num = 20
- det_w = 1.0
- det_num = N
- angles = numpy.linspace(0,numpy.pi,angles_num,endpoint=False,dtype=numpy.float32)*\
- 180/numpy.pi
- # Inputs: Geometry, 2D or 3D, angles, horz detector pixel count,
- # horz detector pixel size, vert detector pixel count,
- # vert detector pixel size.
- ag = AcquisitionGeometry('parallel',
- '3D',
- angles,
- N,
- det_w,
- vert,
- det_w)
- # Set up Operator object combining the ImageGeometry and AcquisitionGeometry
- # wrapping calls to CCPi projector.
- A = CCPiProjectorSimple(ig, ag)
- # Forward and backprojection are available as methods direct and adjoint. Here
- # generate test data b and do simple backprojection to obtain z. Display all
- # data slices as images, and a single backprojected slice.
- b =
- z = A.adjoint(b)
- for i in range(b.get_dimension_size('vertical')):
- plt.imshow(b.subset(vertical=i).array)
- plt.imshow(z.subset(vertical=0).array)
- plt.title('Backprojected data')
- # Using the test data b, different reconstruction methods can now be set up as
- # demonstrated in the rest of this file. In general all methods need an initial
- # guess and some algorithm options to be set. Note that 100 iterations for
- # some of the methods is a very low number and 1000 or 10000 iterations may be
- # needed if one wants to obtain a converged solution.
- x_init = ImageData(geometry=ig,
- dimension_labels=['horizontal_x','horizontal_y','vertical'])
- X_init = CompositeDataContainer(x_init)
- B = CompositeDataContainer(b,
- ImageData(geometry=ig, dimension_labels=['horizontal_x','horizontal_y','vertical']))
- # setup a tomo identity
- I = 0.3 * TomoIdentity(geometry=ig)
- # composite operator
- K = CompositeOperator(A, I, shape=(2,1))
- out =
- f = Norm2sq(K,B)
- f.L = 0.1
- cg = CGLS()
- cg.set_up(X_init, K, B )
- cg.max_iteration = 1
- cgs = CGLS()
- cgs.set_up(x_init, A, b )
- cgs.max_iteration = 2
- out.__isub__(B)
- out2 = K.adjoint(out)
- #(2.0*self.c)*self.A.adjoint( - self.b )
- for _ in cg:
- print ("iteration {} {}".format(cg.iteration, cg.get_current_loss()))
- fig = plt.figure()
- plt.imshow(cg.get_output().get_item(0,0).subset(vertical=0).as_array())
- plt.title('Composite CGLS')
- for _ in cgs:
- print ("iteration {} {}".format(cgs.iteration, cgs.get_current_loss()))
- fig = plt.figure()
- plt.imshow(cgs.get_output().subset(vertical=0).as_array())
- plt.title('Simple CGLS')
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Thu Feb 14 12:36:40 2019
+@author: ofn77899
+#from ccpi.optimisation.ops import Operator
+import numpy
+from numbers import Number
+import functools
+from ccpi.framework import AcquisitionData, ImageData
+class Operator(object):
+ '''Operator that maps from a space X -> Y'''
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ self.scalar = 1
+ def is_linear(self):
+ '''Returns if the operator is linear'''
+ return False
+ def direct(self,x, out=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def size(self):
+ # To be defined for specific class
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def norm(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def allocate_direct(self):
+ '''Allocates memory on the Y space'''
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def allocate_adjoint(self):
+ '''Allocates memory on the X space'''
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def range_dim(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def domain_dim(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def __rmul__(self, other):
+ assert isinstance(other, Number)
+ self.scalar = other
+ return self
+class LinearOperator(Operator):
+ '''Operator that maps from a space X -> Y'''
+ def is_linear(self):
+ '''Returns if the operator is linear'''
+ return True
+ def adjoint(self,x, out=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+# this should go in the framework
+class CompositeDataContainer(object):
+ '''Class to hold a composite operator'''
+ __array_priority__ = 1
+ def __init__(self, *args, shape=None):
+ '''containers must be passed row by row'''
+ self.containers = args
+ self.index = 0
+ if shape is None:
+ shape = (len(args),1)
+ self.shape = shape
+ n_elements = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, shape, 1)
+ if len(args) != n_elements:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Dimension and size do not match: expected {} got {}'
+ .format(n_elements,len(args)))
+# for i in range(shape[0]):
+# b.append([])
+# for j in range(shape[1]):
+# b[-1].append(args[i*shape[1]+j])
+# indices.append(i*shape[1]+j)
+# self.containers = b
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ '''python2 backwards compatibility'''
+ return self.__next__()
+ def __next__(self):
+ try:
+ out = self[self.index]
+ except IndexError as ie:
+ raise StopIteration()
+ self.index+=1
+ return out
+ def is_compatible(self, other):
+ '''basic check if the size of the 2 objects fit'''
+ if isinstance(other, Number):
+ return True
+ elif isinstance(other, list):
+ # TODO look elements should be numbers
+ for ot in other:
+ if not isinstance(ot, (Number,\
+, numpy.int8, numpy.int16, numpy.int32, numpy.int64,\
+ numpy.float, numpy.float16, numpy.float32, numpy.float64, \
+ numpy.complex)):
+ raise ValueError('List/ numpy array can only contain numbers {}'\
+ .format(type(ot)))
+ return len(self.containers) == len(other)
+ elif isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
+ return self.shape == other.shape
+ return len(self.containers) == len(other.containers)
+ def get_item(self, row, col=0):
+ if row > self.shape[0]:
+ raise ValueError('Requested row {} > max {}'.format(row, self.shape[0]))
+ if col > self.shape[1]:
+ raise ValueError('Requested col {} > max {}'.format(col, self.shape[1]))
+ index = row*self.shape[1]+col
+ return self.containers[index]
+ def add(self, other, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ assert self.is_compatible(other)
+ if isinstance(other, Number):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.add(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
+ elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.add(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
+ return type(self)(*[ el.add(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
+ def subtract(self, other, out=None , *args, **kwargs):
+ assert self.is_compatible(other)
+ if isinstance(other, Number):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.subtract(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
+ elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.subtract(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
+ return type(self)(*[ el.subtract(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
+ def multiply(self, other , out=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.is_compatible(other)
+ if isinstance(other, Number):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.multiply(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
+ elif isinstance(other, list):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.multiply(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
+ elif isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.multiply(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
+ return type(self)(*[ el.multiply(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
+ def divide(self, other , out=None ,*args, **kwargs):
+ self.is_compatible(other)
+ if isinstance(other, Number):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.divide(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
+ elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.divide(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
+ return type(self)(*[ el.divide(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
+ def power(self, other , out=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ assert self.is_compatible(other)
+ if isinstance(other, Number):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.power(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
+ elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.power(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
+ return type(self)(*[ el.power(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
+ def maximum(self,other, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ assert self.is_compatible(other)
+ if isinstance(other, Number):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.maximum(other, out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
+ elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.maximum(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other)])
+ return type(self)(*[ el.maximum(ot, out, *args, **kwargs) for el,ot in zip(self.containers,other.containers)])
+ ## unary operations
+ def abs(self, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.abs(out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
+ def sign(self, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.sign(out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
+ def sqrt(self, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ return type(self)(*[ el.sqrt(out, *args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
+ def conjugate(self, out=None):
+ return type(self)(*[el.conjugate() for el in self.containers])
+ ## reductions
+ def sum(self, out=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ return numpy.asarray([ el.sum(*args, **kwargs) for el in self.containers])
+ def norm(self):
+ y = numpy.asarray([el**2 for el in self.containers])
+ return y.sum()
+ def copy(self):
+ '''alias of clone'''
+ return self.clone()
+ def clone(self):
+ return type(self)(*[el.copy() for el in self.containers])
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ return self.add( other )
+ # __radd__
+ def __sub__(self, other):
+ return self.subtract( other )
+ # __rsub__
+ def __mul__(self, other):
+ return self.multiply(other)
+ # __rmul__
+ def __div__(self, other):
+ return self.divide(other)
+ # __rdiv__
+ def __truediv__(self, other):
+ return self.divide(other)
+ def __pow__(self, other):
+ return self.power(other)
+ # reverse operand
+ def __radd__(self, other):
+ return self + other
+ # __radd__
+ def __rsub__(self, other):
+ return (-1 * self) + other
+ # __rsub__
+ def __rmul__(self, other):
+ '''Reverse multiplication
+ to make sure that this method is called rather than the __mul__ of a numpy array
+ the class constant __array_priority__ must be set > 0
+ '''
+ return self * other
+ # __rmul__
+ def __rdiv__(self, other):
+ return pow(self / other, -1)
+ # __rdiv__
+ def __rtruediv__(self, other):
+ return self.__rdiv__(other)
+ def __rpow__(self, other):
+ return other.power(self)
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ if isinstance (other, CompositeDataContainer):
+ for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other.containers):
+ el += ot
+ elif isinstance(other, Number):
+ for el in self.containers:
+ el += other
+ elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
+ self.is_compatible(other)
+ for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other):
+ el += ot
+ return self
+ # __radd__
+ def __isub__(self, other):
+ if isinstance (other, CompositeDataContainer):
+ for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other.containers):
+ el -= ot
+ elif isinstance(other, Number):
+ for el in self.containers:
+ el -= other
+ elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
+ assert self.is_compatible(other)
+ for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other):
+ el -= ot
+ return self
+ # __rsub__
+ def __imul__(self, other):
+ if isinstance (other, CompositeDataContainer):
+ for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other.containers):
+ el *= ot
+ elif isinstance(other, Number):
+ for el in self.containers:
+ el *= other
+ elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
+ assert self.is_compatible(other)
+ for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other):
+ el *= ot
+ return self
+ # __imul__
+ def __idiv__(self, other):
+ if isinstance (other, CompositeDataContainer):
+ for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other.containers):
+ el /= ot
+ elif isinstance(other, Number):
+ for el in self.containers:
+ el /= other
+ elif isinstance(other, list) or isinstance(other, numpy.ndarray):
+ assert self.is_compatible(other)
+ for el,ot in zip(self.containers, other):
+ el /= ot
+ return self
+ # __rdiv__
+ def __itruediv__(self, other):
+ return self.__idiv__(other)
+class CompositeOperator(Operator):
+ '''Class to hold a composite operator'''
+ def __init__(self, *args, shape=None):
+ self.operators = args
+ if shape is None:
+ shape = (len(args),1)
+ self.shape = shape
+ n_elements = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, shape, 1)
+ if len(args) != n_elements:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Dimension and size do not match: expected {} got {}'
+ .format(n_elements,len(args)))
+ def get_item(self, row, col):
+ if row > self.shape[0]:
+ raise ValueError('Requested row {} > max {}'.format(row, self.shape[0]))
+ if col > self.shape[1]:
+ raise ValueError('Requested col {} > max {}'.format(col, self.shape[1]))
+ index = row*self.shape[1]+col
+ return self.operators[index]
+ def norm(self):
+ norm = [op.norm() for op in self.operators]
+ b = []
+ for i in range(self.shape[0]):
+ b.append([])
+ for j in range(self.shape[1]):
+ b[-1].append(norm[i*self.shape[1]+j])
+ return numpy.asarray(b)
+ def direct(self, x, out=None):
+ shape = self.get_output_shape(x.shape)
+ res = []
+ for row in range(self.shape[0]):
+ for col in range(self.shape[1]):
+ if col == 0:
+ prod = self.get_item(row,col).direct(x.get_item(col))
+ else:
+ prod += self.get_item(row,col).direct(x.get_item(col))
+ res.append(prod)
+ return CompositeDataContainer(*res, shape=shape)
+ def adjoint(self, x, out=None):
+ shape = self.get_output_shape(x.shape, adjoint=True)
+ res = []
+ for row in range(self.shape[1]):
+ for col in range(self.shape[0]):
+ if col == 0:
+ prod = self.get_item(row,col).adjoint(x.get_item(col))
+ else:
+ prod += self.get_item(row,col).adjoint(x.get_item(col))
+ res.append(prod)
+ return CompositeDataContainer(*res, shape=shape)
+ def get_output_shape(self, xshape, adjoint=False):
+ sshape = self.shape[1]
+ oshape = self.shape[0]
+ if adjoint:
+ sshape = self.shape[0]
+ oshape = self.shape[1]
+ if sshape != xshape[0]:
+ raise ValueError('Incompatible shapes {} {}'.format(self.shape, xshape))
+ return (oshape, xshape[-1])
+ def direct(self, x, out=None):
+ out = [None]*self.dimension[0]
+ for i in range(self.dimension[0]):
+ z1 = ImageData(np.zeros(self.compMat[i][0].range_dim()))
+ for j in range(self.dimension[1]):
+ z1 += self.compMat[i][j].direct(x[j])
+ out[i] = z1
+ return out
+ def adjoint(self, x, out=None):
+ out = [None]*self.dimension[1]
+ for i in range(self.dimension[1]):
+ z2 = ImageData(np.zeros(self.compMat[0][i].domain_dim()))
+ for j in range(self.dimension[0]):
+ z2 += self.compMat[j][i].adjoint(x[j])
+ out[i] = z2
+from ccpi.optimisation.Algorithms import Algorithm
+from import Iterable
+class CGLS(Algorithm):
+ '''Conjugate Gradient Least Squares algorithm
+ Parameters:
+ x_init: initial guess
+ operator: operator for forward/backward projections
+ data: data to operate on
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super(CGLS, self).__init__()
+ self.x = kwargs.get('x_init', None)
+ self.operator = kwargs.get('operator', None)
+ = kwargs.get('data', None)
+ if self.x is not None and self.operator is not None and \
+ is not None:
+ print ("Calling from creator")
+ return self.set_up(x_init =kwargs['x_init'],
+ operator=kwargs['operator'],
+ data =kwargs['data'])
+ def set_up(self, x_init, operator , data ):
+ self.r = data.copy()
+ self.x = x_init.copy()
+ self.operator = operator
+ self.d = operator.adjoint(self.r)
+ self.normr2 = (self.d * self.d).sum()
+ if isinstance(self.normr2, Iterable):
+ self.normr2 = sum(self.normr2)
+ #self.normr2 = numpy.sqrt(self.normr2)
+ print ("set_up" , self.normr2)
+ def should_stop(self):
+ '''stopping cryterion, currently only based on number of iterations'''
+ return self.iteration >= self.max_iteration
+ def update(self):
+ Ad =
+ norm = (Ad*Ad).sum()
+ if isinstance(norm, Iterable):
+ norm = sum(norm)
+ #norm = numpy.sqrt(norm)
+ print (norm)
+ alpha = self.normr2/norm
+ self.x += (self.d * alpha)
+ self.r -= (Ad * alpha)
+ s = self.operator.adjoint(self.r)
+ normr2_new = (s*s).sum()
+ if isinstance(normr2_new, Iterable):
+ normr2_new = sum(normr2_new)
+ #normr2_new = numpy.sqrt(normr2_new)
+ print (normr2_new)
+ beta = normr2_new/self.normr2
+ self.normr2 = normr2_new
+ self.d = s + beta*self.d
+ def update_objective(self):
+ self.loss.append((self.r*self.r).sum())
+ def run(self, iterations, callback=None):
+ self.max_iteration += iterations
+ for _ in self:
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback(self.iteration, self.get_current_loss())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #from ccpi.optimisation.Algorithms import GradientDescent
+ from ccpi.plugins.ops import CCPiProjectorSimple
+ from ccpi.optimisation.ops import PowerMethodNonsquare
+ from ccpi.optimisation.ops import TomoIdentity
+ from ccpi.optimisation.funcs import Norm2sq, Norm1
+ from ccpi.framework import ImageGeometry, AcquisitionGeometry
+ from ccpi.optimisation.Algorithms import GradientDescent
+ #from ccpi.optimisation.Algorithms import CGLS
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ ig0 = ImageGeometry(2,3,4)
+ ig1 = ImageGeometry(12,42,55,32)
+ data0 = ImageData(geometry=ig0)
+ data1 = ImageData(geometry=ig1) + 1
+ data2 = ImageData(geometry=ig0) + 2
+ data3 = ImageData(geometry=ig1) + 3
+ cp0 = CompositeDataContainer(data0,data1)
+ cp1 = CompositeDataContainer(data2,data3)
+ a = [ (el, ot) for el,ot in zip(cp0.containers,cp1.containers)]
+ print (a[0][0].shape)
+ #cp2 = CompositeDataContainer(*a)
+ cp2 = cp0.add(cp1)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 2.)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 4.)
+ cp2 = cp0 + cp1
+ assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 2.)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 4.)
+ cp2 = cp0 + 1
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = cp0 + [1 ,2]
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 3., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 += cp1
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +3. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +6., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 += 1
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +4. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +7., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 += [-2,-1]
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 6., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = cp0.subtract(cp1)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
+ cp2 = cp0 - cp1
+ assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
+ cp2 = cp0 - 1
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -1. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0, decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = cp0 - [1 ,2]
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -1. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -1., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 -= cp1
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -3. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -4., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 -= 1
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -4. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -5., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 -= [-2,-1]
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -2. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -4., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = cp0.multiply(cp1)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 3.)
+ cp2 = cp0 * cp1
+ assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 3.)
+ cp2 = cp0 * 2
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2, decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = 2 * cp0
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2, decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = cp0 * [3 ,2]
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = cp0 * numpy.asarray([3 ,2])
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = [3,2] * cp0
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = numpy.asarray([3,2]) * cp0
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = [3,2,3] * cp0
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 *= cp1
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0 , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +6., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 *= 1
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +6., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 *= [-2,-1]
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -6., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = cp0.divide(cp1)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1./3., decimal=4)
+ cp2 = cp0/cp1
+ assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1./3., decimal=4)
+ cp2 = cp0 / 2
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5, decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = cp0 / [3 ,2]
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5, decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = cp0 / numpy.asarray([3 ,2])
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5, decimal = 5)
+ cp3 = numpy.asarray([3 ,2]) / (cp0+1)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp3.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 3. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp3.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1, decimal = 5)
+ cp2 += 1
+ cp2 /= cp1
+ # TODO fix inplace division
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1./2 , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1.5/3., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 /= 1
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5 , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5, decimal = 5)
+ cp2 /= [-2,-1]
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -0.5/2. , decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -0.5, decimal = 5)
+ ####
+ cp2 = cp0.power(cp1)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1., decimal=4)
+ cp2 = cp0**cp1
+ assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1., decimal=4)
+ cp2 = cp0 ** 2
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0., decimal=5)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1., decimal = 5)
+ cp2 = cp0.maximum(cp1)
+ assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == cp1.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0])
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], decimal=4)
+ cp2 = cp0.abs()
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 0., decimal=4)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1., decimal=4)
+ cp2 = cp0.subtract(cp1)
+ s = cp2.sign()
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0], -1., decimal=4)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], -1., decimal=4)
+ cp2 = cp0.add(cp1)
+ s = cp2.sqrt()
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0], numpy.sqrt(2), decimal=4)
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], numpy.sqrt(4), decimal=4)
+ s = cp0.sum()
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s[0], 0, decimal=4)
+ s0 = 1
+ s1 = 1
+ for i in cp0.get_item(0,0).shape:
+ s0 *= i
+ for i in cp0.get_item(1,0).shape:
+ s1 *= i
+ numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s[1], cp0.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0]*s0 +cp0.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0]*s1, decimal=4)
+ # Set up phantom size N x N x vert by creating ImageGeometry, initialising the
+ # ImageData object with this geometry and empty array and finally put some
+ # data into its array, and display one slice as image.
+ # Image parameters
+ N = 128
+ vert = 4
+ # Set up image geometry
+ ig = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x=N,
+ voxel_num_y=N,
+ voxel_num_z=vert)
+ # Set up empty image data
+ Phantom = ImageData(geometry=ig,
+ dimension_labels=['horizontal_x',
+ 'horizontal_y',
+ 'vertical'])
+ Phantom += 0.05
+ # Populate image data by looping over and filling slices
+ i = 0
+ while i < vert:
+ if vert > 1:
+ x = Phantom.subset(vertical=i).array
+ else:
+ x = Phantom.array
+ x[round(N/4):round(3*N/4),round(N/4):round(3*N/4)] = 0.5
+ x[round(N/8):round(7*N/8),round(3*N/8):round(5*N/8)] = 0.94
+ if vert > 1 :
+ Phantom.fill(x, vertical=i)
+ i += 1
+ perc = 0.02
+ # Set up empty image data
+ noise = ImageData(numpy.random.normal(loc = 0.04 ,
+ scale = perc ,
+ size = Phantom.shape), geometry=ig,
+ dimension_labels=['horizontal_x',
+ 'horizontal_y',
+ 'vertical'])
+ Phantom += noise
+ # Set up AcquisitionGeometry object to hold the parameters of the measurement
+ # setup geometry: # Number of angles, the actual angles from 0 to
+ # pi for parallel beam, set the width of a detector
+ # pixel relative to an object pixe and the number of detector pixels.
+ angles_num = 20
+ det_w = 1.0
+ det_num = N
+ angles = numpy.linspace(0,numpy.pi,angles_num,endpoint=False,dtype=numpy.float32)*\
+ 180/numpy.pi
+ # Inputs: Geometry, 2D or 3D, angles, horz detector pixel count,
+ # horz detector pixel size, vert detector pixel count,
+ # vert detector pixel size.
+ ag = AcquisitionGeometry('parallel',
+ '3D',
+ angles,
+ N,
+ det_w,
+ vert,
+ det_w)
+ # Set up Operator object combining the ImageGeometry and AcquisitionGeometry
+ # wrapping calls to CCPi projector.
+ A = CCPiProjectorSimple(ig, ag)
+ # Forward and backprojection are available as methods direct and adjoint. Here
+ # generate test data b and some noise
+ b =
+ #z = A.adjoint(b)
+ # Using the test data b, different reconstruction methods can now be set up as
+ # demonstrated in the rest of this file. In general all methods need an initial
+ # guess and some algorithm options to be set. Note that 100 iterations for
+ # some of the methods is a very low number and 1000 or 10000 iterations may be
+ # needed if one wants to obtain a converged solution.
+ x_init = ImageData(geometry=ig,
+ dimension_labels=['horizontal_x','horizontal_y','vertical'])
+ X_init = CompositeDataContainer(x_init)
+ B = CompositeDataContainer(b,
+ ImageData(geometry=ig, dimension_labels=['horizontal_x','horizontal_y','vertical']))
+ # setup a tomo identity
+ Ibig = 1e5 * TomoIdentity(geometry=ig)
+ Ismall = 1e-5 * TomoIdentity(geometry=ig)
+ # composite operator
+ Kbig = CompositeOperator(A, Ibig, shape=(2,1))
+ Ksmall = CompositeOperator(A, Ismall, shape=(2,1))
+ #out =
+ f = Norm2sq(Kbig,B)
+ f.L = 0.00003
+ fsmall = Norm2sq(Ksmall,B)
+ f.L = 0.00003
+ simplef = Norm2sq(A, b)
+ simplef.L = 0.00003
+ gd = GradientDescent( x_init=x_init, objective_function=simplef,
+ rate=simplef.L)
+ gd.max_iteration = 10
+ cg = CGLS()
+ cg.set_up(X_init, Kbig, B )
+ cg.max_iteration = 1
+ cgsmall = CGLS()
+ cgsmall.set_up(X_init, Ksmall, B )
+ cgsmall.max_iteration = 1
+ cgs = CGLS()
+ cgs.set_up(x_init, A, b )
+ cgs.max_iteration = 6
+ #out.__isub__(B)
+ #out2 = K.adjoint(out)
+ #(2.0*self.c)*self.A.adjoint( - self.b )
+ for _ in gd:
+ print ("iteration {} {}".format(gd.iteration, gd.get_current_loss()))
+, lambda it,val: print ("iteration {} objective {}".format(it,val)))
+, lambda it,val: print ("iteration {} objective {}".format(it,val)))
+, lambda it,val: print ("iteration {} objective {}".format(it,val)))
+, lambda it,val: print ("iteration {} objective {}".format(it,val)))
+# for _ in cg:
+# print ("iteration {} {}".format(cg.iteration, cg.get_current_loss()))
+# fig = plt.figure()
+# plt.imshow(cg.get_output().get_item(0,0).subset(vertical=0).as_array())
+# plt.title('Composite CGLS')
+# for _ in cgs:
+# print ("iteration {} {}".format(cgs.iteration, cgs.get_current_loss()))
+ fig = plt.figure()
+ plt.subplot(1,5,1)
+ plt.imshow(Phantom.subset(vertical=0).as_array())
+ plt.title('Simulated Phantom')
+ plt.subplot(1,5,2)
+ plt.imshow(gd.get_output().subset(vertical=0).as_array())
+ plt.title('Simple Gradient Descent')
+ plt.subplot(1,5,3)
+ plt.imshow(cgs.get_output().subset(vertical=0).as_array())
+ plt.title('Simple CGLS')
+ plt.subplot(1,5,4)
+ plt.imshow(cg.get_output().get_item(0,0).subset(vertical=0).as_array())
+ plt.title('Composite CGLS\nbig lambda')
+ plt.subplot(1,5,5)
+ plt.imshow(cgsmall.get_output().get_item(0,0).subset(vertical=0).as_array())
+ plt.title('Composite CGLS\nsmall lambda') \ No newline at end of file