path: root/Wrappers/Python
diff options
authorEdoardo Pasca <>2019-04-01 16:32:19 +0100
committerEdoardo Pasca <>2019-04-01 16:32:19 +0100
commitb12088bc999838c7c57e960639f9798acefc23c6 (patch)
tree7c9ad99dc3c8e246b7e6371387eab81a721c8b1d /Wrappers/Python
parentd76a4d10b5fd2038eeac4eda85361e5b92dabc30 (diff)
add fill to BlockDataContainer
Diffstat (limited to 'Wrappers/Python')
3 files changed, 3 insertions, 368 deletions
diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
index b4041e4..8e55b67 100755
--- a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
@@ -181,6 +181,9 @@ class BlockDataContainer(object):
return self.clone()
def clone(self):
return type(self)(*[el.copy() for el in self.containers], shape=self.shape)
+ def fill(self, x):
+ for el,ot in zip(self.containers, x):
+ el.fill(ot)
def __add__(self, other):
return self.add( other )
diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/functions/ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/functions/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8632920..0000000
--- a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/functions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Created on Thu Feb 7 13:10:56 2019
-@author: evangelos
-import numpy as np
-#from ccpi.optimisation.funcs import Function
-from ccpi.optimisation.functions import Function
-from ccpi.framework import DataContainer, ImageData, ImageGeometry
-from operators import CompositeDataContainer, Identity, CompositeOperator
-from numbers import Number
-############################ L2NORM FUNCTIONS #############################
-class SimpleL2NormSq(Function):
- def __init__(self, alpha=1):
- super(SimpleL2NormSq, self).__init__()
- self.alpha = alpha
- def __call__(self, x):
- return self.alpha * x.power(2).sum()
- def gradient(self,x):
- return 2 * self.alpha * x
- def convex_conjugate(self,x):
- return (1/4*self.alpha) * x.power(2).sum()
- def proximal(self, x, tau):
- return x.divide(1+2*tau*self.alpha)
- def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau):
- return x.divide(1 + tau/2*self.alpha )
-class L2NormSq(SimpleL2NormSq):
- def __init__(self, A, b = None, alpha=1, **kwargs):
- super(L2NormSq, self).__init__(alpha=alpha)
- self.alpha = alpha
- self.A = A
- self.b = b
- def __call__(self, x):
- if self.b is None:
- return SimpleL2NormSq.__call__(self,
- else:
- return SimpleL2NormSq.__call__(self, - self.b)
- def convex_conjugate(self, x):
- ''' The convex conjugate corresponds to the simple functional i.e.,
- f(x) = alpha * ||x - b||_{2}^{2}
- '''
- if self.b is None:
- return SimpleL2NormSq.convex_conjugate(self, x)
- else:
- return SimpleL2NormSq.convex_conjugate(self, x) + (self.b * x).sum()
- def gradient(self, x):
- if self.b is None:
- return 2*self.alpha * self.A.adjoint(
- else:
- return 2*self.alpha * self.A.adjoint( - self.b)
- def proximal(self, x, tau):
- ''' The proximal operator corresponds to the simple functional i.e.,
- f(x) = alpha * ||x - b||_{2}^{2}
- argmin_x { 0.5||x - u||^{2} + tau f(x) }
- '''
- if self.b is None:
- return SimpleL2NormSq.proximal(self, x, tau)
- else:
- return self.b + SimpleL2NormSq.proximal(self, x - self.b , tau)
- def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau):
- ''' The proximal operator corresponds to the simple convex conjugate
- functional i.e., f^{*}(x^{)
- argmin_x { 0.5||x - u||^{2} + tau f(x) }
- '''
- if self.b is None:
- return SimpleL2NormSq.proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau)
- else:
- return SimpleL2NormSq.proximal_conjugate(self, x - tau * self.b, tau)
-############################ L1NORM FUNCTIONS #############################
-class SimpleL1Norm(Function):
- def __init__(self, alpha=1):
- super(SimpleL1Norm, self).__init__()
- self.alpha = alpha
- def __call__(self, x):
- return self.alpha * x.abs().sum()
- def gradient(self,x):
- return ValueError('Not Differentiable')
- def convex_conjugate(self,x):
- return 0
- def proximal(self, x, tau):
- ''' Soft Threshold'''
- return x.sign() * (x.abs() - tau * self.alpha).maximum(1.0)
- def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau):
- return x.divide((x.abs()/self.alpha).maximum(1.0))
-class L1Norm(SimpleL1Norm):
- def __init__(self, A, b = None, alpha=1, **kwargs):
- super(L1Norm, self).__init__()
- self.alpha = alpha
- self.A = A
- self.b = b
- def __call__(self, x):
- if self.b is None:
- return SimpleL1Norm.__call__(self,
- else:
- return SimpleL1Norm.__call__(self, - self.b)
- def gradient(self, x):
- return ValueError('Not Differentiable')
- def convex_conjugate(self,x):
- if self.b is None:
- return SimpleL1Norm.convex_conjugate(self, x)
- else:
- return SimpleL1Norm.convex_conjugate(self, x) + (self.b * x).sum()
- def proximal(self, x, tau):
- if self.b is None:
- return SimpleL1Norm.proximal(self, x, tau)
- else:
- return self.b + SimpleL1Norm.proximal(self, x + self.b , tau)
- def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau):
- if self.b is None:
- return SimpleL1Norm.proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau)
- else:
- return SimpleL1Norm.proximal_conjugate(self, x - tau*self.b, tau)
-############################ mixed_L1,2NORM FUNCTIONS #############################
-class mixed_L12Norm(Function):
- def __init__(self, A, b=None, alpha=1, **kwargs):
- super(mixed_L12Norm, self).__init__()
- self.alpha = alpha
- self.A = A
- self.b = b
- self.sym_grad = kwargs.get('sym_grad',False)
- def gradient(self,x):
- return ValueError('Not Differentiable')
- def __call__(self,x):
- y =
- eucl_norm = ImageData(y.power(2).sum(axis=0)).sqrt()
- eucl_norm.__isub__(self.b)
- return eucl_norm.sum() * self.alpha
- def convex_conjugate(self,x):
- return 0
- def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau):
- if self.b is None:
- if self.sym_grad:
- tmp2 = np.sqrt(x.as_array()[0]**2 + x.as_array()[1]**2 + 2*x.as_array()[2]**2)/self.alpha
- res = x.divide(ImageData(tmp2).maximum(1.0))
- else:
- res = x.divide((ImageData(x.power(2).sum(axis=0)).sqrt()/self.alpha).maximum(1.0))
- else:
- res = (x - tau*self.b)/ ((x - tau*self.b)).abs().maximum(1.0)
- return res
-class ZeroFun(Function):
- def __init__(self):
- super(ZeroFun, self).__init__()
- def __call__(self,x):
- return 0
- def convex_conjugate(self, x):
- ''' This is the support function sup <x, x^{*}> which in fact is the
- indicator function for the set = {0}
- So 0 if x=0, or inf if x neq 0
- '''
- return x.maximum(0).sum()
- def proximal(self,x,tau):
- return x.copy()
- def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau):
- return 0
-class CompositeFunction(Function):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self.functions = args
- self.length = len(self.functions)
- def get_item(self, ind):
- return self.functions[ind]
- def __call__(self,x):
- t = 0
- for i in range(self.length):
- for j in range(x.shape[0]):
- t +=self.functions[i](x.get_item(j))
- return t
- def convex_conjugate(self, x):
- z = 0
- t = 0
- for i in range(x.shape[0]):
- t += self.functions[z].convex_conjugate(x.get_item(i))
- z += 1
- return t
- def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau, out = None):
- if isinstance(tau, Number):
- tau = CompositeDataContainer(tau)
- out = [None]*self.length
- for i in range(self.length):
- out[i] = self.functions[i].proximal(x.get_item(i), tau.get_item(0))
- return CompositeDataContainer(*out)
- def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau, out = None):
- if isinstance(tau, Number):
- tau = CompositeDataContainer(tau)
- out = [None]*self.length
- for i in range(self.length):
- out[i] = self.functions[i].proximal_conjugate(x.get_item(i), tau.get_item(0))
- return CompositeDataContainer(*out)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- N = 3
- ig = (N,N)
- ag = ig
- op1 = Gradient(ig)
- op2 = Identity(ig, ag)
- # Form Composite Operator
- operator = CompositeOperator((2,1), op1, op2 )
- # Create functions
- alpha = 1
- noisy_data = ImageData(np.random.randint(10, size=ag))
- f = CompositeFunction(L1Norm(op1,alpha), \
- L2NormSq(op2, noisy_data, c = 0.5, memopt = False) )
- u = ImageData(np.random.randint(10, size=ig))
- uComp = CompositeDataContainer(u)
- print(f(uComp)) # This is f(Kx) = f1(K1*u) + f2(K2*u)
- f1 = L1Norm(op1,alpha)
- f2 = L2NormSq(op2, noisy_data, c = 0.5, memopt = False)
- print(f1(u) + f2(u))
diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/functions/ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/functions/
deleted file mode 100644
index ffeb32e..0000000
--- a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/functions/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Created on Wed Mar 6 19:43:12 2019
-@author: evangelos
-import numpy as np
-#from ccpi.optimisation.funcs import Function
-from ccpi.optimisation.functions import Function
-from ccpi.framework import DataContainer, ImageData, ImageGeometry
-############################ mixed_L1,2NORM FUNCTIONS #############################
-class mixed_L12Norm(Function):
- def __init__(self, alpha, **kwargs):
- super(mixed_L12Norm, self).__init__()
- self.alpha = alpha
- self.b = kwargs.get('b',None)
- self.sym_grad = kwargs.get('sym_grad',False)
- def __call__(self,x):
- if self.b is None:
- tmp1 = x
- else:
- tmp1 = x - self.b
- if self.sym_grad:
- tmp = np.sqrt(tmp1.as_array()[0]**2 + tmp1.as_array()[1]**2 + 2*tmp1.as_array()[2]**2)
- else:
- tmp = ImageData(tmp1.power(2).sum(axis=0)).sqrt()
- return self.alpha*tmp.sum()
- def gradient(self,x):
- return ValueError('Not Differentiable')
- def convex_conjugate(self,x):
- return 0
- def proximal(self, x, tau):
- pass
- def proximal_conjugate(self, x, tau):
- if self.sym_grad:
- tmp2 = np.sqrt(x.as_array()[0]**2 + x.as_array()[1]**2 + 2*x.as_array()[2]**2)/self.alpha
- res = x.divide(ImageData(tmp2).maximum(1.0))
- else:
- res = x.divide((ImageData(x.power(2).sum(axis=0)).sqrt()/self.alpha).maximum(1.0))
- return res