path: root/docs/source
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diff --git a/docs/source/astra.rst b/docs/source/astra.rst
index b80d2a4..a8759fd 100644
--- a/docs/source/astra.rst
+++ b/docs/source/astra.rst
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ Processors
.. autoclass:: ccpi.astra.processors.AstraForwardProjectorMC
@@ -35,7 +34,5 @@ Operators
.. autoclass:: ccpi.astra.operators.AstraProjectorMC
:ref:`Return Home <mastertoc>`
diff --git a/docs/source/ b/docs/source/
index 62790cc..b3084fa 100755
--- a/docs/source/
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ copyright = '2019, Edoardo Pasca'
author = 'Edoardo Pasca'
# The short X.Y version
-version = '19.07'
+version = '19.10'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
-release = '19.07'
+release = '19.10'
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ pygments_style = None
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
-html_theme = 'classic'
+html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
diff --git a/docs/source/contrib.rst b/docs/source/contrib.rst
index 336097e..eaccc64 100644
--- a/docs/source/contrib.rst
+++ b/docs/source/contrib.rst
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ Contributed by Dr. Matthias Ehrhardt.
.. autoclass:: ccpi.contrib.optimisation.algorithms.spdhg.spdhg
:ref:`Return Home <mastertoc>`
diff --git a/docs/source/framework.rst b/docs/source/framework.rst
index 2b8ebf0..35d68fb 100644
--- a/docs/source/framework.rst
+++ b/docs/source/framework.rst
@@ -1,9 +1,339 @@
+The goal of the CCPi Framework is to allow the user to simply create iterative reconstruction methods which
+go beyond the standard filter back projection technique and which better suit the data characteristics.
+The framework comprises:
+* :code:`ccpi.framework` module which allows to simply translate real world CT systems into software.
+* :code:`ccpi.optimisation` module allows the user to quickly create iterative methods to reconstruct acquisition data applying different types of regularisation, which better suit the data characteristics.
+* :code:`` module which provides a number of loaders for real CT machines, e.g. Nikon. It also provides reader and writer to save to NeXuS file format.
+CT Geometry
+Please refer to `this <>`_ notebook on the CIL-Demos
+repository for full description.
+In conventional CT systems, an object is placed between a source emitting X-rays and a detector array
+measuring the X-ray transmission images of the incident X-rays. Typically, either the object is placed
+on a rotating sample stage and rotates with respect to the source-detector assembly, or the
+source-detector gantry rotates with respect to the stationary object.
+This arrangement results in so-called circular scanning trajectory. Depending on source and detector
+types, there are three conventional data acquisition geometries:
+* parallel geometry (2D or 3D),
+* fan-beam geometry, and
+* cone-beam geometry.
+Parallel geometry
+Parallel beams of X-rays are emitted onto 1D (single pixel row) or 2D detector array. This geometry
+is common for synchrotron sources. 2D parrallel geometry is illustrated below.
+.. figure:: images/parallel.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :figclass: align-center
+ 2D Parallel geometry
+.. figure:: images/parallel3d.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :figclass: align-center
+ 3D Parallel geometry
+Fan-beam geometry
+A single point-like X-ray source emits a cone beam onto 1D detector pixel row. Cone-beam is typically
+ collimated to imaging field of view. Collimation allows greatly reduce amount of scatter radiation
+ reaching the detector. Fan-beam geometry is used when scattering has significant influence on image
+ quality or single-slice reconstruction is sufficient.
+.. figure:: images/fan.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :figclass: align-center
+ Fan beam geometry
+Cone-beam geometry
+A single point-like X-ray source emits a cone beam onto 2D detector array.
+Cone-beam geometry is mainly used in lab-based CT instruments. Depending on where the sample
+is placed between the source and the detector one can achieve a different magnification factor :math:`F`:
+.. math::
+ F = \frac{r_1 + r_2}{r_1}
+where :math:`r_1` and :math:`r_2` are the distance from the source to the center of the sample and
+the distance from the center of the sample to the detector, respectively.
+.. figure:: images/cone.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :figclass: align-center
+ Cone beam geometry
+AcquisitonGeometry and AcquisitionData
+In the Framework, we implemented :code:`AcquisitionGeometry` class to hold acquisition parameters and
+:code:`ImageGeometry` to hold geometry of a reconstructed volume. Corresponding data arrays are wrapped
+as :code:`AcquisitionData` and :code:`ImageData` classes, respectively.
+The simplest (of course from image processing point of view, not from physical implementation) geometry
+is the parallel geometry. Geometrical parameters for parallel geometry are depicted below:
+.. figure:: images/parallel_geometry.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :figclass: align-center
+ Parallel geometry
+In the Framework, we define :code:`AcquisitionGeometry` as follows.
+.. code:: python
+ # imports
+ from ccpi.framework import AcquisitionGeometry
+ import numpy as np
+ # acquisition angles
+ n_angles = 90
+ angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n_angles, dtype=np.float32)
+ # number of pixels in detector row
+ N = 256
+ # pixel size
+ pixel_size_h = 1
+ # # create AcquisitionGeometry
+ ag_par = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type='parallel',
+ dimension='2D',
+ angles=angles,
+ pixel_num_h=N,
+ pixel_size_h=pixel_size_h)
+:code:`AcquisitionGeometry` contains only metadata, the actual data is wrapped in :code:`AcquisitionData`
+class. :code:`AcquisitionGeometry` class also holds information about arrangement of the actual
+acquisition data array. \
+We use attribute :code:`dimension_labels` to label axis. The expected dimension labels are shown below.
+The default order of dimensions for :code:`AcquisitionData` is :code:`[angle, horizontal]`, meaning that
+the number of elements along 0 and 1 axes in the acquisition data array is expected to be :code:`n_angles`
+and :code:`N`, respectively.
+.. figure:: images/parallel_data.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :figclass: align-center
+ Parallel data
+To have consistent :code:`AcquisitionData` and :code:`AcquisitionGeometry`, we recommend to allocate
+:code:`AcquisitionData` using :code:`allocate` method of the :code:`AcquisitionGeometry` instance:
+.. code:: python
+ # allocate AcquisitionData
+ ad_par = ag_par.allocate()
+ImageGeometry and ImageData
+To store reconstruction results, we implemented two classes: :code:`ImageGeometry` and :code:`ImageData` classes.
+Similar to :code:`AcquisitionData` and :code:`AcquisitionGeometry`, we first define 2D :code:`ImageGeometry`
+and then allocate :code:`ImageData`.
+.. code:: python
+ # imports
+ from ccpi.framework import ImageData, ImageGeometry
+ # define 2D ImageGeometry
+ # given AcquisitionGeometry ag_par, default parameters for corresponding ImageData
+ ig_par = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_y=ag_par.pixel_num_h,
+ voxel_size_x=ag_par.pixel_size_h,
+ voxel_num_x=ag_par.pixel_num_h,
+ voxel_size_y=ag_par.pixel_size_h)
+ # allocate ImageData filled with 0 values with the specific geometry
+ im_data1 = ig_par.allocate()
+ # allocate ImageData filled with random values with the specific geometry
+ im_data2 = ig_par.allocate('random', seed=5)
+3D parallel, fan-beam and cone-beam geometries
+Fan-beam, cone-beam and 3D (multi-slice) parallel geometry can be set-up similar to 2D parallel geometry.
+3D parallel geometry
+.. figure:: images/parallel3d_geometry.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :figclass: align-center
+ Geometrical parameters and dimension labels for 3D parallel beam geometry
+3D parallel beam :code:`AcquisitionGeometry` and default :code:`ImageGeometry` parameters can be set up
+as follows:
+.. code:: python
+ # set-up 3D parallel beam AcquisitionGeometry
+ # physical pixel size
+ pixel_size_h = 1
+ ag_par_3d = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type='parallel',
+ dimension='3D',
+ angles=angles,
+ pixel_num_h=N,
+ pixel_size_h=pixel_size_h,
+ pixel_num_v=N,
+ pixel_size_v=pixel_size_h)
+ # set-up 3D parallel beam ImageGeometry
+ ig_par_3d = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x=ag_par_3d.pixel_num_h,
+ voxel_size_x=ag_par_3d.pixel_size_h,
+ voxel_num_y=ag_par_3d.pixel_num_h,
+ voxel_size_y=ag_par_3d.pixel_size_h,
+ voxel_num_z=ag_par_3d.pixel_num_v,
+ voxel_size_z=ag_par_3d.pixel_size_v)
+Fan-beam geometry
+.. figure:: images/fan_geometry.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :figclass: align-center
+ Geometrical parameters and dimension labels for fan-beam geometry.
+.. figure:: images/fan_data.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :figclass: align-center
+ Geometrical parameters and dimension labels for fan-beam data.
+Fan-beam :code:`AcquisitionGeometry` and
+default :code:`ImageGeometry` parameters can be set up as follows:
+.. code :: python
+ # set-up fan-beam AcquisitionGeometry
+ # distance from source to center of rotation
+ dist_source_center = 200.0
+ # distance from center of rotation to detector
+ dist_center_detector = 300.0
+ # physical pixel size
+ pixel_size_h = 2
+ ag_fan = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type='cone',
+ dimension='2D',
+ angles=angles,
+ pixel_num_h=N,
+ pixel_size_h=pixel_size_h,
+ dist_source_center=dist_source_center,
+ dist_center_detector=dist_center_detector)
+ # calculate geometrical magnification
+ mag = (ag_fan.dist_source_center + ag_fan.dist_center_detector) / ag_fan.dist_source_center
+ ig_fan = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x=ag_fan.pixel_num_h,
+ voxel_size_x=ag_fan.pixel_size_h / mag,
+ voxel_num_y=ag_fan.pixel_num_h,
+ voxel_size_y=ag_fan.pixel_size_h / mag)
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.ImageGeometry
+ :members:
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.AcquisitionGeometry
+ :members:
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.VectorGeometry
+ :members:
+``DataContainer`` and subclasses ``AcquisitionData`` and ``ImageData`` are
+meant to contain data and meta-data in ``AcquisitionGeometry`` and
+``ImageGeometry`` respectively.
DataContainer and subclasses
+:code:`AcquisiionData` and :code:`ImageData` inherit from the same parent :code:`DataContainer` class,
+therefore they largely behave the same way.
+There are algebraic operations defined for both :code:`AcquisitionData` and :code:`ImageData`.
+Following operations are defined:
+* binary operations (between two DataContainers or scalar and DataContainer)
+ * :code:`+` addition
+ * :code:`-` subtraction
+ * :code:`/` division
+ * :code:`*` multiplication
+ * :code:`**` power
+ * :code:`maximum`
+ * :code:`minimum`
+* in-place operations
+ * :code:`+=`
+ * :code:`-=`
+ * :code:`*=`
+ * :code:`**=`
+ * :code:`/=`
+* unary operations
+ * :code:`abs`
+ * :code:`sqrt`
+ * :code:`sign`
+ * :code:`conjugate`
+* reductions
+ * :code:`sum`
+ * :code:`norm`
+ * :code:`dot` product
+:code:`AcquisitionData` and :code:`ImageData` provide a simple method to transpose the data and to
+produce a subset of itself based on the axis we would like to have. This method is based on the label of
+the axes of the data rather than the way it is stored. We think that the user should describe what she
+wants and not bother with knowing the actual layout of the data in the memory.
+.. code:: python
+ # transpose data using subset method
+ data_transposed = data.subset(['horizontal_y', 'horizontal_x'])
+ # extract single row
+ data_profile = data_subset.subset(horizontal_y=100)
.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.DataContainer
@@ -15,37 +345,153 @@ DataContainer and subclasses
.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.VectorData
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.ImageGeometry
- :members:
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.AcquisitionGeometry
- :members:
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.VectorGeometry
- :members:
+Multi channel data
+Both :code:`AcquisitionGeometry`, :code:`AcquisitionData` and :code:`ImageGeometry`, :code:`ImageData`
+can be defined for multi-channel (spectral) CT data using :code:`channels` attribute.
+.. code:: python
+ # multi-channel fan-beam geometry
+ ag_fan_mc = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type='cone',
+ dimension='2D',
+ angles=angles,
+ pixel_num_h=N,
+ pixel_size_h=1,
+ dist_source_center=200,
+ dist_center_detector=300,
+ channels=10)
+ # define multi-channel 2D ImageGeometry
+ ig3 = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_y=5,
+ voxel_num_x=4,
+ channels=2)
Block Framework
+The block framework allows writing more advanced `optimisation problems`_. Consider the typical
+`Tikhonov regularisation <>`_:
+.. math::
+ \underset{u}{\mathrm{argmin}}\begin{Vmatrix}A u - b \end{Vmatrix}^2_2 + \alpha^2\|Lu\|^2_2
+* :math:`A` is the projection operator
+* :math:`b` is the acquired data
+* :math:`u` is the unknown image to be solved for
+* :math:`\alpha` is the regularisation parameter
+* :math:`L` is a regularisation operator
+The first term measures the fidelity of the solution to the data. The second term meausures the
+fidelity to the prior knowledge we have imposed on the system, operator :math:`L`.
+This can be re-written equivalently in the block matrix form:
+.. math::
+ \underset{u}{\mathrm{argmin}}\begin{Vmatrix}\binom{A}{\alpha L} u - \binom{b}{0}\end{Vmatrix}^2_2
+With the definitions:
+* :math:`\tilde{A} = \binom{A}{\alpha L}`
+* :math:`\tilde{b} = \binom{b}{0}`
+this can now be recognised as a least squares problem which can be solved by any algorithm in the :code:`ccpi.optimisation`
+which can solve least squares problem, e.g. CGLS.
+.. math::
+ \underset{u}{\mathrm{argmin}}\begin{Vmatrix}\tilde{A} u - \tilde{b}\end{Vmatrix}^2_2
+To be able to express our optimisation problems in the matrix form above, we developed the so-called,
+Block Framework comprising 4 main actors: :code:`BlockGeometry`, :code:`BlockDataContainer`,
+:code:`BlockFunction` and :code:`BlockOperator`.
+A :code:`BlockDataContainer` can be instantiated from a number of :code:`DataContainer` and subclasses
+represents a column vector of :code:`DataContainer`s.
+.. code:: python
+ bdc = BlockDataContainer(DataContainer0, DataContainer1)
+. These
+classes are required for it to work. They provide a base class that will
+behave as normal ``DataContainer``.
.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.BlockDataContainer
.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.BlockGeometry
+A :code:`DataProcessor` takes as an input a :code:`DataContainer` or subclass and returns either
+another :code:`DataContainer` or some number. The aim of this class is to simplify the writing of
+processing pipelines.
.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.DataProcessor
+ :private-members:
+ :special-members:
+Quite often we need either crop or downsample data; the :code:`Resizer` provides a convenient way to
+perform these operations for both :code:`ImageData` and :code:`AcquisitionData`.
+.. code:: python
+ # imports
+ from ccpi.processors import Resizer
+ # crop ImageData along 1st dimension
+ # initialise Resizer
+ resizer_crop = Resizer(binning = [1, 1], roi = [-1, (20,180)])
+ # pass DataContainer
+ resizer_crop.input = data
+ data_cropped = resizer_crop.process()
+ # get new ImageGeometry
+ ig_data_cropped = data_cropped.geometry
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.processors.CenterOfRotationFinder
- :members:
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.processors.Normalizer
- :members:
.. autoclass:: ccpi.processors.Resizer
+ :private-members:
+ :special-members:
+Calculation of Center of Rotation
+In the ideal alignment of a CT instrument, orthogonal projection of an axis of rotation onto a
+detector has to coincide with a vertical midline of the detector. This is barely feasible in practice
+due to misalignment and/or kinematic errors in positioning of CT instrument components.
+A slight offset of the center of rotation with respect to the theoretical position will contribute
+to the loss of resolution; in more severe cases, it will cause severe artifacts in the reconstructed
+volume (double-borders). :code:`CenterOfRotationFinder` allows to estimate offset of center of rotation
+from theoretical. In the current release :code:`CenterOfRotationFinder` supports only parallel geometry.
+:code:`CenterOfRotationFinder` is based on Nghia Vo's `method <>`_.
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.processors.CenterOfRotationFinder
+ :members:
+ :private-members:
+ :special-members:
:ref:`Return Home <mastertoc>`
+.. _optimisation problems: optimisation.html
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diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index 654a083..266a03a 100755
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,24 @@
Welcome to CCPi-Framework's documentation!
+The aim of this package is to enable rapid prototyping of optimisation-based
+reconstruction problems, i.e. defining and solving different optimization problems to enforce different properties on the reconstructed image, while being
+powerful enough to be employed on real scale problems.
+Firstly, it provides a framework to handle acquisition and reconstruction
+data and metadata; it also provides a basic input/output package to read data
+from different sources, e.g. Nikon X-Radia, NeXus.
+Secondly, it provides an object-oriented framework for defining mathematical
+operators and functions as well a collection of useful example operators and
+functions. Both smooth and non-smooth functions can be used.
+Further, it provides a number of high-level generic implementations of
+optimisation algorithms to solve genericlly formulated optimisation problems
+constructed from operator and function objects.
+A number of demos can be found on the `CIL-Demos`_ repository.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:
@@ -13,15 +31,26 @@ Welcome to CCPi-Framework's documentation!
- optimisation
+ optimisation
-Indices and tables
+.. Indices and tables
+.. ==================
+.. * :ref:`genindex`
+.. * :ref:`modindex`
+.. * :ref:`search`
+Please refer to the main `CCPi website`_ for up-to-date information.
+The CCPi developers may be contacted joining the `devel mailing list`_
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`modindex`
-* :ref:`search`
+.. _devel mailing list:
+.. _CCPi website:
+.. _CIL-Demos:
diff --git a/docs/source/io.rst b/docs/source/io.rst
index fb24a3a..9ac78a4 100644
--- a/docs/source/io.rst
+++ b/docs/source/io.rst
@@ -1,9 +1,34 @@
+Read/ write AcquisitionData and ImageData
+The CCPi Framework provides classes to read and write :code:`AcquisitionData` and :code:`ImageData`
+as NeXuS files.
+.. code:: python
+ # imports
+ from import NEXUSDataWriter, NEXUSDataReader
+ # initialise NEXUS Writer
+ writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
+ writer.set_up(file_name='tmp_nexus.nxs',
+ data_container=my_data)
+ # write data
+ writer.write_file()
+ # read data
+ # initialize NEXUS reader
+ reader = NEXUSDataReader()
+ reader.set_up(nexus_file='tmp_nexus.nxs')
+ # load data
+ ad1 = reader.load_data()
+ # get AcquisiionGeometry
+ ag1 = reader.get_geometry()
.. autoclass::
diff --git a/docs/source/optimisation.rst b/docs/source/optimisation.rst
index eec54e1..59f3dd3 100644
--- a/docs/source/optimisation.rst
+++ b/docs/source/optimisation.rst
@@ -8,9 +8,112 @@ Further, it provides a number of high-level generic implementations of optimisat
The fundamental components are:
-+ Operator: A class specifying a (currently linear) operator
-+ Function: A class specifying mathematical functions such as a least squares data fidelity.
-+ Algorithm: Implementation of an iterative optimisation algorithm to solve a particular generic optimisation problem. Algorithms are iterable Python object which can be run in a for loop. Can be stopped and warm restarted.
++ :code:`Operator`: A class specifying a (currently linear) operator
++ :code:`Function`: A class specifying mathematical functions such as a least squares data fidelity.
++ :code:`Algorithm`: Implementation of an iterative optimisation algorithm to solve a particular generic optimisation problem. Algorithms are iterable Python object which can be run in a for loop. Can be stopped and warm restarted.
+To be able to express more advanced optimisation problems we developed the
+`Block Framework`_, which provides a generic strategy to treat variational
+problems in the following form:
+.. math::
+ \min \text{Regulariser} + \text{Fidelity}
+The block framework consists of:
++ BlockDataContainer
++ BlockFunction
++ BlockOperator
+`BlockDataContainer`_ holds `DataContainer` as column vector. It is possible to
+do basic algebra between ``BlockDataContainer`` s and with numbers, list or numpy arrays.
+`BlockFunction`_ acts on ``BlockDataContainer`` as a separable sum function:
+ .. math::
+ f = [f_1,...,f_n] \newline
+ f([x_1,...,x_n]) = f_1(x_1) + .... + f_n(x_n)
+`BlockOperator`_ represent a block matrix with operators
+.. math::
+ K = \begin{bmatrix}
+ A_{1} & A_{2} \\
+ A_{3} & A_{4} \\
+ A_{5} & A_{6}
+ \end{bmatrix}_{(3,2)} * \quad \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}
+ x_{1} \\
+ x_{2}
+ \end{bmatrix}_{(2,1)}}_{\textbf{x}} = \begin{bmatrix}
+ A_{1}x_{1} + A_{2}x_{2}\\
+ A_{3}x_{1} + A_{4}x_{2}\\
+ A_{5}x_{1} + A_{6}x_{2}\\
+ \end{bmatrix}_{(3,1)} = \begin{bmatrix}
+ y_{1}\\
+ y_{2}\\
+ y_{3}
+ \end{bmatrix}_{(3,1)} = \textbf{y}
+Column: Share the same domains :math:`X_{1}, X_{2}`
+Rows: Share the same ranges :math:`Y_{1}, Y_{2}, Y_{3}`
+.. math::
+ K : (X_{1}\times X_{2}) \rightarrow (Y_{1}\times Y_{2} \times Y_{3})
+:math:`A_{1}, A_{3}, A_{5}`: share the same domain :math:`X_{1}` and
+:math:`A_{2}, A_{4}, A_{6}`: share the same domain :math:`X_{2}`
+.. math::
+ A_{1}: X_{1} \rightarrow Y_{1} \\
+ A_{3}: X_{1} \rightarrow Y_{2} \\
+ A_{5}: X_{1} \rightarrow Y_{3} \\
+ A_{2}: X_{2} \rightarrow Y_{1} \\
+ A_{4}: X_{2} \rightarrow Y_{2} \\
+ A_{6}: X_{2} \rightarrow Y_{3}
+For instance with these ingredients one may write the following objective
+.. math::
+ \alpha ||\nabla u||_{2,1} + ||u - g||_2^2
+where :math:`g` represent the measured values, :math:`u` the solution
+:math:`\nabla` is the gradient operator, :math:`|| ~~ ||_{2,1}` is a norm for
+the output of the gradient operator and :math:`|| x-g ||^2_2` is
+least squares fidelity function as
+.. math::
+ K = \begin{bmatrix}
+ \nabla \\
+ \mathbb{1}
+ \end{bmatrix}
+ F(x) = \Big[ \alpha \lVert ~x~ \rVert_{2,1} ~~ , ~~ || x - g||_2^2 \Big]
+ w = [ u ]
+Then we have rewritten the problem as
+.. math::
+ F(Kw) = \alpha \left\lVert \nabla u \right\rVert_{2,1} + ||u-g||^2_2
+Which in Python would be like
+.. code-block:: python
+ op1 = Gradient(ig, correlation=Gradient.CORRELATION_SPACE)
+ op2 = Identity(ig, ag)
+ # Create BlockOperator
+ K = BlockOperator(op1, op2, shape=(2,1) )
+ # Create functions
+ F = BlockFunction(alpha * MixedL21Norm(), 0.5 * L2NormSquared(b=noisy_data))
@@ -22,12 +125,13 @@ Gradient (PDHG) and Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA).
An algorithm is designed for a
particular generic optimisation problem accepts and number of
-Functions and/or Operators as input to define a specific instance of
+:code:`Function`s and/or :code:`Operator`s as input to define a specific instance of
the generic optimisation problem to be solved.
They are iterable objects which can be run in a for loop.
The user can provide a stopping criterion different than the default max_iteration.
-New algorithms can be easily created by extending the Algorithm class. The user is required to implement only 4 methods: set_up, __init__, update and update_objective.
+New algorithms can be easily created by extending the :code:`Algorithm` class.
+The user is required to implement only 4 methods: set_up, __init__, update and update_objective.
+ :code:`set_up` and :code:`__init__` are used to configure the algorithm
+ :code:`update` is the actual iteration updating the solution
@@ -43,7 +147,9 @@ algorithm to minimise a Function will only be:
def update_objective(self):
-The :code:`Algorithm` provides the infrastructure to continue iteration, to access the values of the objective function in subsequent iterations, the time for each iteration.
+The :code:`Algorithm` provides the infrastructure to continue iteration, to access the values of the
+objective function in subsequent iterations, the time for each iteration, and to provide a nice
+print to screen of the status of the optimisation.
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.algorithms.Algorithm
@@ -55,6 +161,7 @@ The :code:`Algorithm` provides the infrastructure to continue iteration, to acce
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.algorithms.FISTA
+ :special-members:
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.algorithms.PDHG
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.algorithms.SIRT
@@ -69,6 +176,14 @@ The output is another :code:`DataContainer` object or subclass
hereof. An important special case is to represent the tomographic
forward and backprojection operations.
+Operator base classes
+All operators extend the :code:`Operator` class. A special class is the :code:`LinearOperator`
+which represents an operator for which the :code:`adjoint` operation is defined.
+A :code:`ScaledOperator` represents the multiplication of any operator with a scalar.
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.Operator
@@ -78,35 +193,57 @@ forward and backprojection operations.
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.ScaledOperator
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.GradientOperator
- :members:
- :special-members:
+Trivial operators
+Trivial operators are the following.
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.Identity
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.LinearOperatorMatrix
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.ZeroOperator
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.ShrinkageOperator
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.LinearOperatorMatrix
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.SparseFiniteDiff
+In the following the required classes for the implementation of the :code:`Gradient` operator.
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.Gradient
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.SymmetrizedGradientOperator
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.FiniteDiff
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.ZeroOperator
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.SparseFiniteDiff
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.BlockOperator
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.SymmetrizedGradient
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.BlockScaledOperator
+Shrinkage operator
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.ShrinkageOperator
@@ -124,36 +261,143 @@ input point. The function value is evaluated by calling the function itself,
e.g. :code:`f(x)` for a :code:`Function f` and input point :code:`x`.
+Base classes
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.Function
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.ScaledFunction
+ :members:
+ :special-members:
+Composition of operator and a function
+This class allows the user to write a function which does the following:
+.. math::
+ F ( x ) = G ( Ax )
+where :math:`A` is an operator. For instance the least squares function l2norm_ :code:`Norm2Sq` can
+be expressed as
+.. math::
+ F(x) = || Ax - b ||^2_2
+.. code::python
+ F1 = Norm2Sq(A, b)
+ # or equivalently
+ F2 = FunctionOperatorComposition(L2NormSquared(b=b), A)
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.FunctionOperatorComposition
+Indicator box
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.IndicatorBox
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.KullbackLeibler
+L1 Norm
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.L1Norm
+Squared L2 norm
+.. l2norm:
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.L2NormSquared
+And a least squares function:
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.Norm2Sq
+ :members:
+ :special-members:
+Mixed L21 norm
.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.MixedL21Norm
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.Norm2Sq
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.ZeroFunction
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.ScaledFunction
+Block Framework
+Block Operator
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.BlockOperator
-.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.ZeroFunction
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.operators.BlockScaledOperator
+ :members:
+ :special-members:
+Block Function
+A Block vector of functions, Size of vector coincides with the rows of :math:`K`:
+.. math::
+ Kx = \begin{bmatrix}
+ y_{1}\\
+ y_{2}\\
+ y_{3}\\
+ \end{bmatrix}, \quad f = [ f_{1}, f_{2}, f_{3} ]
+ f(Kx) : = f_{1}(y_{1}) + f_{2}(y_{2}) + f_{3}(y_{3})
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.optimisation.functions.BlockFunction
+Block DataContainer
+.. math::
+ x = [x_{1}, x_{2} ]\in (X_{1}\times X_{2})
+ y = [y_{1}, y_{2}, y_{3} ]\in(Y_{1}\times Y_{2} \times Y_{3})
+.. autoclass:: ccpi.framework.BlockDataContainer
+ :members:
+ :special-members:
:ref:`Return Home <mastertoc>`
+.. _BlockDataContainer: framework.html#ccpi.framework.BlockDataContainer
+.. _BlockFunction: optimisation.html#ccpi.optimisation.functions.BlockFunction
+.. _BlockOperator: optimisation.html#ccpi.optimisation.operators.BlockOperators
diff --git a/docs/source/plugins.rst b/docs/source/plugins.rst
index 948980c..4348f62 100644
--- a/docs/source/plugins.rst
+++ b/docs/source/plugins.rst
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Operators
.. autoclass:: ccpi.plugins.operators.CCPiProjectorSimple
@@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ Processors
.. autoclass:: ccpi.plugins.processors.setupCCPiGeometries