From 79a39d8e85ffa69db7872816435eecda404f43ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edoardo Pasca <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 16:30:11 +0100
Subject: add random_noise to TestData

 Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/ | 269 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 221 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

(limited to 'Wrappers')

diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
index e7dc908..20931d7 100755
--- a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
@@ -69,53 +69,226 @@ class TestData(object):
         print ("data.geometry", data.geometry)
         return data
-    def camera(**kwargs):
-        tmp =, 'camera.png'))
-        size = kwargs.get('size',(512, 512))
-        data = numpy.array(tmp.resize(size))
-        data = data/data.max()
-        return ImageData(data) 
-    def boat(**kwargs):
-        tmp =, 'boat.tiff'))
-        size = kwargs.get('size',(512, 512))
-        data = numpy.array(tmp.resize(size))
-        data = data/data.max()
-        return ImageData(data)  
-    def peppers(**kwargs):
-        tmp =, 'peppers.tiff'))
-        size = kwargs.get('size',(512, 512))
-        data = numpy.array(tmp.resize(size))
-        data = data/data.max()
-        return ImageData(data) 
-    def shapes(**kwargs):
-        tmp =, 'shapes.png')).convert('LA')
-        size = kwargs.get('size',(300, 200))
+    @staticmethod
+    def random_noise(image, mode='gaussian', seed=None, clip=True, **kwargs):
+        if issubclass(type(image), DataContainer):
+            arr = scikit_random_noise(image, mode=mode, seed=seed, clip=clip,
+                  **kwargs)
+            out = image.copy()
+            out.fill(arr)
+            return out
+        elif issubclass(type(image), numpy.ndarray):
+            return scikit_random_noise(image, mode=mode, seed=seed, clip=clip, 
+                   **kwargs)
+    @staticmethod
+    def scikit_random_noise(image, mode='gaussian', seed=None, clip=True, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Function to add random noise of various types to a floating-point image.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        image : ndarray
+            Input image data. Will be converted to float.
+        mode : str, optional
+            One of the following strings, selecting the type of noise to add:
+            - 'gaussian'  Gaussian-distributed additive noise.
+            - 'localvar'  Gaussian-distributed additive noise, with specified
+                        local variance at each point of `image`.
+            - 'poisson'   Poisson-distributed noise generated from the data.
+            - 'salt'      Replaces random pixels with 1.
+            - 'pepper'    Replaces random pixels with 0 (for unsigned images) or
+                        -1 (for signed images).
+            - 's&p'       Replaces random pixels with either 1 or `low_val`, where
+                        `low_val` is 0 for unsigned images or -1 for signed
+                        images.
+            - 'speckle'   Multiplicative noise using out = image + n*image, where
+                        n is uniform noise with specified mean & variance.
+        seed : int, optional
+            If provided, this will set the random seed before generating noise,
+            for valid pseudo-random comparisons.
+        clip : bool, optional
+            If True (default), the output will be clipped after noise applied
+            for modes `'speckle'`, `'poisson'`, and `'gaussian'`. This is
+            needed to maintain the proper image data range. If False, clipping
+            is not applied, and the output may extend beyond the range [-1, 1].
+        mean : float, optional
+            Mean of random distribution. Used in 'gaussian' and 'speckle'.
+            Default : 0.
+        var : float, optional
+            Variance of random distribution. Used in 'gaussian' and 'speckle'.
+            Note: variance = (standard deviation) ** 2. Default : 0.01
+        local_vars : ndarray, optional
+            Array of positive floats, same shape as `image`, defining the local
+            variance at every image point. Used in 'localvar'.
+        amount : float, optional
+            Proportion of image pixels to replace with noise on range [0, 1].
+            Used in 'salt', 'pepper', and 'salt & pepper'. Default : 0.05
+        salt_vs_pepper : float, optional
+            Proportion of salt vs. pepper noise for 's&p' on range [0, 1].
+            Higher values represent more salt. Default : 0.5 (equal amounts)
+        Returns
+        -------
+        out : ndarray
+            Output floating-point image data on range [0, 1] or [-1, 1] if the
+            input `image` was unsigned or signed, respectively.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        Speckle, Poisson, Localvar, and Gaussian noise may generate noise outside
+        the valid image range. The default is to clip (not alias) these values,
+        but they may be preserved by setting `clip=False`. Note that in this case
+        the output may contain values outside the ranges [0, 1] or [-1, 1].
+        Use this option with care.
+        Because of the prevalence of exclusively positive floating-point images in
+        intermediate calculations, it is not possible to intuit if an input is
+        signed based on dtype alone. Instead, negative values are explicitly
+        searched for. Only if found does this function assume signed input.
+        Unexpected results only occur in rare, poorly exposes cases (e.g. if all
+        values are above 50 percent gray in a signed `image`). In this event,
+        manually scaling the input to the positive domain will solve the problem.
+        The Poisson distribution is only defined for positive integers. To apply
+        this noise type, the number of unique values in the image is found and
+        the next round power of two is used to scale up the floating-point result,
+        after which it is scaled back down to the floating-point image range.
+        To generate Poisson noise against a signed image, the signed image is
+        temporarily converted to an unsigned image in the floating point domain,
+        Poisson noise is generated, then it is returned to the original range.
-        data = numpy.array(tmp.resize(size))
-        data = data/data.max()
+        This function is adapted from scikit-image. 
+        Copyright (C) 2019, the scikit-image team
+        All rights reserved.
+        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+        modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+        met:
+        1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+            notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+        2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+            notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+            the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+            distribution.
+        3. Neither the name of skimage nor the names of its contributors may be
+            used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+            specific prior written permission.
-        return ImageData(data)     
+        """
+        mode = mode.lower()
+        # Detect if a signed image was input
+        if image.min() < 0:
+            low_clip = -1.
+        else:
+            low_clip = 0.
+        image = numpy.asarray(image, dtype=(np.float64))
+        if seed is not None:
+            np.random.seed(seed=seed)
+        allowedtypes = {
+            'gaussian': 'gaussian_values',
+            'localvar': 'localvar_values',
+            'poisson': 'poisson_values',
+            'salt': 'sp_values',
+            'pepper': 'sp_values',
+            's&p': 's&p_values',
+            'speckle': 'gaussian_values'}
+        kwdefaults = {
+            'mean': 0.,
+            'var': 0.01,
+            'amount': 0.05,
+            'salt_vs_pepper': 0.5,
+            'local_vars': np.zeros_like(image) + 0.01}
+        allowedkwargs = {
+            'gaussian_values': ['mean', 'var'],
+            'localvar_values': ['local_vars'],
+            'sp_values': ['amount'],
+            's&p_values': ['amount', 'salt_vs_pepper'],
+            'poisson_values': []}
+        for key in kwargs:
+            if key not in allowedkwargs[allowedtypes[mode]]:
+                raise ValueError('%s keyword not in allowed keywords %s' %
+                                (key, allowedkwargs[allowedtypes[mode]]))
+        # Set kwarg defaults
+        for kw in allowedkwargs[allowedtypes[mode]]:
+            kwargs.setdefault(kw, kwdefaults[kw])
+        if mode == 'gaussian':
+            noise = np.random.normal(kwargs['mean'], kwargs['var'] ** 0.5,
+                                    image.shape)
+            out = image + noise
+        elif mode == 'localvar':
+            # Ensure local variance input is correct
+            if (kwargs['local_vars'] <= 0).any():
+                raise ValueError('All values of `local_vars` must be > 0.')
+            # Safe shortcut usage broadcasts kwargs['local_vars'] as a ufunc
+            out = image + np.random.normal(0, kwargs['local_vars'] ** 0.5)
+        elif mode == 'poisson':
+            # Determine unique values in image & calculate the next power of two
+            vals = len(np.unique(image))
+            vals = 2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(vals))
+            # Ensure image is exclusively positive
+            if low_clip == -1.:
+                old_max = image.max()
+                image = (image + 1.) / (old_max + 1.)
+            # Generating noise for each unique value in image.
+            out = np.random.poisson(image * vals) / float(vals)
+            # Return image to original range if input was signed
+            if low_clip == -1.:
+                out = out * (old_max + 1.) - 1.
+        elif mode == 'salt':
+            # Re-call function with mode='s&p' and p=1 (all salt noise)
+            out = random_noise(image, mode='s&p', seed=seed,
+                            amount=kwargs['amount'], salt_vs_pepper=1.)
+        elif mode == 'pepper':
+            # Re-call function with mode='s&p' and p=1 (all pepper noise)
+            out = random_noise(image, mode='s&p', seed=seed,
+                            amount=kwargs['amount'], salt_vs_pepper=0.)
+        elif mode == 's&p':
+            out = image.copy()
+            p = kwargs['amount']
+            q = kwargs['salt_vs_pepper']
+            flipped = np.random.choice([True, False], size=image.shape,
+                                    p=[p, 1 - p])
+            salted = np.random.choice([True, False], size=image.shape,
+                                    p=[q, 1 - q])
+            peppered = ~salted
+            out[flipped & salted] = 1
+            out[flipped & peppered] = low_clip
+        elif mode == 'speckle':
+            noise = np.random.normal(kwargs['mean'], kwargs['var'] ** 0.5,
+                                    image.shape)
+            out = image + image * noise
+        # Clip back to original range, if necessary
+        if clip:
+            out = np.clip(out, low_clip, 1.0)
+        return out
\ No newline at end of file
cgit v1.2.3

From 4904340f598fe2331c2aaf21ac0fb91da1168bdc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edoardo Pasca <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 17:08:41 +0100
Subject: added random_noise to TestData as staticmethod

 Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/ | 12 +++++++++---
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

(limited to 'Wrappers')

diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
index 20931d7..afae8c8 100755
--- a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
@@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from ccpi.framework import ImageData, ImageGeometry
+from ccpi.framework import ImageData, ImageGeometry, DataContainer
 import numpy
+import numpy as np
 from PIL import Image
 import os
 import os.path 
+import sys
 data_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+data_dir = os.path.abspath(
+    os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share','ccpi')
 class TestData(object):
     BOAT = 'boat.tiff'
     CAMERA = 'camera.png'
@@ -72,13 +78,13 @@ class TestData(object):
     def random_noise(image, mode='gaussian', seed=None, clip=True, **kwargs):
         if issubclass(type(image), DataContainer):
-            arr = scikit_random_noise(image, mode=mode, seed=seed, clip=clip,
+            arr = TestData.scikit_random_noise(image.as_array(), mode=mode, seed=seed, clip=clip,
             out = image.copy()
             return out
         elif issubclass(type(image), numpy.ndarray):
-            return scikit_random_noise(image, mode=mode, seed=seed, clip=clip, 
+            return TestData.scikit_random_noise(image, mode=mode, seed=seed, clip=clip, 
cgit v1.2.3

From b384d772d707089ac9a56d80b9c6bf0fe37070dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edoardo Pasca <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 09:33:40 +0100
Subject: added comment

 Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/ | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

(limited to 'Wrappers')

diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
index afae8c8..b512e81 100755
--- a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/framework/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ data_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+# this is the default location after a conda install
 data_dir = os.path.abspath(
     os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share','ccpi')
cgit v1.2.3

From dfa613cee88cc7fc5891e1a270b402986ce6bf5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edoardo Pasca <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 10:21:18 +0100
Subject: added initial test for random_noise

 Wrappers/Python/test/ | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 Wrappers/Python/test/

(limited to 'Wrappers')

diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/test/ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cb44a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from .testclass import CCPiTestClass
+import numpy
+from ccpi.framework import TestData
+import os
+class TestTestData(CCPiTestClass):
+    def test_random_noise(self):
+        #loader = TestData(data_dir=os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share','ccpi'))
+        #data_dir=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'..', 'data')
+        loader = TestData()
+        camera = loader.load(TestData.CAMERA)
+        noisy_camera = TestData.random_noise(camera, seed=1)
+        norm = (camera-noisy_camera).norm()
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(norm, 48.881268, places=4)
cgit v1.2.3

From 0a8b1f4a70866b424c27b11368944dc5fdf07d0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edoardo Pasca <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 10:21:37 +0100
Subject: temporarily renamed

renamed so that test do not fail. Urgently needs addressing #328
 Wrappers/Python/test/ | 128 +++++++++++++++++++++
 Wrappers/Python/test/     | 128 ---------------------
 2 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Wrappers/Python/test/
 delete mode 100644 Wrappers/Python/test/

(limited to 'Wrappers')

diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/test/ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b8d453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import unittest
+import os
+from import NEXUSDataReader
+from import NEXUSDataWriter
+from ccpi.framework import AcquisitionData, AcquisitionGeometry, ImageData, ImageGeometry
+import numpy
+class TestNexusReaderWriter(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        pass
+    def testwriteImageData(self):
+        im_size = 5
+        ig = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x = im_size,
+        		           voxel_num_y = im_size)
+        im = ig.allocate()
+        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
+        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'),
+                      data_container = im)
+        writer.write_file()
+    def testwriteAcquisitionData(self):
+        im_size = 5
+        ag2d = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'parallel', 
+                                   dimension = '2D', 
+                                   angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
+                                   pixel_num_h = im_size, 
+                                   pixel_size_h = 1, 
+                                   pixel_num_v = im_size, 
+                                   pixel_size_v = 1)
+        ad2d = ag2d.allocate()
+        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
+        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'),
+                      data_container = ad2d)
+        writer.write_file()
+        ag3d = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'cone', 
+                                   dimension = '3D', 
+                                   angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
+                                   pixel_num_h = im_size, 
+                                   pixel_size_h = 1, 
+                                   pixel_num_v = im_size, 
+                                   pixel_size_v = 1,
+                                   dist_source_center = 1,
+                                   dist_center_detector = 1, 
+                                   channels = im_size)
+        ad3d = ag3d.allocate()
+        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
+        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'),
+                      data_container = ad3d)
+        writer.write_file()
+    def testreadImageData(self):
+        im_size = 5
+        ig_test = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x = im_size,
+                                voxel_num_y = im_size)
+        im_test = ig_test.allocate()
+        reader = NEXUSDataReader()
+        reader.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'))
+        im = reader.load_data()
+        ig = reader.get_geometry()
+        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(im.as_array(), im_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ig.voxel_num_x, ig_test.voxel_num_x, 'ImageGeometry is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ig.voxel_num_y, ig_test.voxel_num_y, 'ImageGeometry is not correct')
+    def testreadAcquisitionData(self):
+        im_size = 5
+        ag2d_test = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'parallel', 
+                                        dimension = '2D', 
+                                        angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
+                                        pixel_num_h = im_size, 
+                                        pixel_size_h = 1, 
+                                        pixel_num_v = im_size, 
+                                        pixel_size_v = 1)
+        ad2d_test = ag2d_test.allocate()
+        reader2d = NEXUSDataReader()
+        reader2d.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'))
+        ad2d = reader2d.load_data()
+        ag2d = reader2d.get_geometry()
+        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ad2d.as_array(), ad2d_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag2d.geom_type, ag2d_test.geom_type, 'ImageGeometry.geom_type is not correct')
+        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ag2d.angles, ag2d_test.angles, 'ImageGeometry.angles is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_num_h, ag2d_test.pixel_num_h, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_num_h is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_size_h, ag2d_test.pixel_size_h, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_size_h is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_num_v, ag2d_test.pixel_num_v, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_num_v is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_size_v, ag2d_test.pixel_size_v, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_size_v is not correct')
+        ag3d_test = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'cone', 
+                                        dimension = '3D', 
+                                        angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
+                                        pixel_num_h = im_size, 
+                                        pixel_size_h = 1, 
+                                        pixel_num_v = im_size, 
+                                        pixel_size_v = 1,
+                                        dist_source_center = 1,
+                                        dist_center_detector = 1, 
+                                        channels = im_size)
+        ad3d_test = ag3d_test.allocate()
+        reader3d = NEXUSDataReader()
+        reader3d.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'))
+        ad3d = reader3d.load_data()
+        ag3d = reader3d.get_geometry()
+        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ad3d.as_array(), ad3d_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
+        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ag3d.angles, ag3d_test.angles, 'AcquisitionGeometry.angles is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.geom_type, ag3d_test.geom_type, 'AcquisitionGeometry.geom_type is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dimension, ag3d_test.dimension, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dimension is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_num_h, ag3d_test.pixel_num_h, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_num_h is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_size_h, ag3d_test.pixel_size_h, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_size_h is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_num_v, ag3d_test.pixel_num_v, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_num_v is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_size_v, ag3d_test.pixel_size_v, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_size_v is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dist_source_center, ag3d_test.dist_source_center, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dist_source_center is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dist_center_detector, ag3d_test.dist_center_detector, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dist_center_detector is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.channels, ag3d_test.channels, 'AcquisitionGeometry.channels is not correct')
+        def tearDown(self):
+            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'))
+            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'))
+            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/test/ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b8d453..0000000
--- a/Wrappers/Python/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import os
-from import NEXUSDataReader
-from import NEXUSDataWriter
-from ccpi.framework import AcquisitionData, AcquisitionGeometry, ImageData, ImageGeometry
-import numpy
-class TestNexusReaderWriter(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        pass
-    def testwriteImageData(self):
-        im_size = 5
-        ig = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x = im_size,
-        		           voxel_num_y = im_size)
-        im = ig.allocate()
-        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
-        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'),
-                      data_container = im)
-        writer.write_file()
-    def testwriteAcquisitionData(self):
-        im_size = 5
-        ag2d = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'parallel', 
-                                   dimension = '2D', 
-                                   angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
-                                   pixel_num_h = im_size, 
-                                   pixel_size_h = 1, 
-                                   pixel_num_v = im_size, 
-                                   pixel_size_v = 1)
-        ad2d = ag2d.allocate()
-        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
-        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'),
-                      data_container = ad2d)
-        writer.write_file()
-        ag3d = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'cone', 
-                                   dimension = '3D', 
-                                   angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
-                                   pixel_num_h = im_size, 
-                                   pixel_size_h = 1, 
-                                   pixel_num_v = im_size, 
-                                   pixel_size_v = 1,
-                                   dist_source_center = 1,
-                                   dist_center_detector = 1, 
-                                   channels = im_size)
-        ad3d = ag3d.allocate()
-        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
-        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'),
-                      data_container = ad3d)
-        writer.write_file()
-    def testreadImageData(self):
-        im_size = 5
-        ig_test = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x = im_size,
-                                voxel_num_y = im_size)
-        im_test = ig_test.allocate()
-        reader = NEXUSDataReader()
-        reader.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'))
-        im = reader.load_data()
-        ig = reader.get_geometry()
-        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(im.as_array(), im_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ig.voxel_num_x, ig_test.voxel_num_x, 'ImageGeometry is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ig.voxel_num_y, ig_test.voxel_num_y, 'ImageGeometry is not correct')
-    def testreadAcquisitionData(self):
-        im_size = 5
-        ag2d_test = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'parallel', 
-                                        dimension = '2D', 
-                                        angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
-                                        pixel_num_h = im_size, 
-                                        pixel_size_h = 1, 
-                                        pixel_num_v = im_size, 
-                                        pixel_size_v = 1)
-        ad2d_test = ag2d_test.allocate()
-        reader2d = NEXUSDataReader()
-        reader2d.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'))
-        ad2d = reader2d.load_data()
-        ag2d = reader2d.get_geometry()
-        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ad2d.as_array(), ad2d_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag2d.geom_type, ag2d_test.geom_type, 'ImageGeometry.geom_type is not correct')
-        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ag2d.angles, ag2d_test.angles, 'ImageGeometry.angles is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_num_h, ag2d_test.pixel_num_h, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_num_h is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_size_h, ag2d_test.pixel_size_h, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_size_h is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_num_v, ag2d_test.pixel_num_v, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_num_v is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_size_v, ag2d_test.pixel_size_v, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_size_v is not correct')
-        ag3d_test = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'cone', 
-                                        dimension = '3D', 
-                                        angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
-                                        pixel_num_h = im_size, 
-                                        pixel_size_h = 1, 
-                                        pixel_num_v = im_size, 
-                                        pixel_size_v = 1,
-                                        dist_source_center = 1,
-                                        dist_center_detector = 1, 
-                                        channels = im_size)
-        ad3d_test = ag3d_test.allocate()
-        reader3d = NEXUSDataReader()
-        reader3d.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'))
-        ad3d = reader3d.load_data()
-        ag3d = reader3d.get_geometry()
-        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ad3d.as_array(), ad3d_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
-        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ag3d.angles, ag3d_test.angles, 'AcquisitionGeometry.angles is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.geom_type, ag3d_test.geom_type, 'AcquisitionGeometry.geom_type is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dimension, ag3d_test.dimension, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dimension is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_num_h, ag3d_test.pixel_num_h, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_num_h is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_size_h, ag3d_test.pixel_size_h, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_size_h is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_num_v, ag3d_test.pixel_num_v, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_num_v is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_size_v, ag3d_test.pixel_size_v, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_size_v is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dist_source_center, ag3d_test.dist_source_center, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dist_source_center is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dist_center_detector, ag3d_test.dist_center_detector, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dist_center_detector is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.channels, ag3d_test.channels, 'AcquisitionGeometry.channels is not correct')
-        def tearDown(self):
-            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'))
-            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'))
-            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
cgit v1.2.3

From ea9918624ee22820494b6251c5e9d547e588eaa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edoardo Pasca <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 10:52:38 +0100
Subject: fix local import for python 2.7

 Wrappers/Python/test/ | 7 ++++---
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

(limited to 'Wrappers')

diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/test/ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
index cb44a07..3b26612 100755
--- a/Wrappers/Python/test/
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-from .testclass import CCPiTestClass
 import numpy
 from ccpi.framework import TestData
-import os
+import os, sys
+sys.path.append( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__) ) )
+from testclass import CCPiTestClass
 class TestTestData(CCPiTestClass):
cgit v1.2.3

From b3100c1af0222e7cfaac4dff93111e3bd0331649 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edoardo Pasca <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 10:59:28 +0100
Subject: makes sure write tests happen before read tests

closes #328
 Wrappers/Python/test/ | 128 --------------------
 Wrappers/Python/test/     | 131 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Wrappers/Python/test/
 create mode 100644 Wrappers/Python/test/

(limited to 'Wrappers')

diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/test/ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b8d453..0000000
--- a/Wrappers/Python/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import os
-from import NEXUSDataReader
-from import NEXUSDataWriter
-from ccpi.framework import AcquisitionData, AcquisitionGeometry, ImageData, ImageGeometry
-import numpy
-class TestNexusReaderWriter(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        pass
-    def testwriteImageData(self):
-        im_size = 5
-        ig = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x = im_size,
-        		           voxel_num_y = im_size)
-        im = ig.allocate()
-        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
-        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'),
-                      data_container = im)
-        writer.write_file()
-    def testwriteAcquisitionData(self):
-        im_size = 5
-        ag2d = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'parallel', 
-                                   dimension = '2D', 
-                                   angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
-                                   pixel_num_h = im_size, 
-                                   pixel_size_h = 1, 
-                                   pixel_num_v = im_size, 
-                                   pixel_size_v = 1)
-        ad2d = ag2d.allocate()
-        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
-        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'),
-                      data_container = ad2d)
-        writer.write_file()
-        ag3d = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'cone', 
-                                   dimension = '3D', 
-                                   angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
-                                   pixel_num_h = im_size, 
-                                   pixel_size_h = 1, 
-                                   pixel_num_v = im_size, 
-                                   pixel_size_v = 1,
-                                   dist_source_center = 1,
-                                   dist_center_detector = 1, 
-                                   channels = im_size)
-        ad3d = ag3d.allocate()
-        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
-        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'),
-                      data_container = ad3d)
-        writer.write_file()
-    def testreadImageData(self):
-        im_size = 5
-        ig_test = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x = im_size,
-                                voxel_num_y = im_size)
-        im_test = ig_test.allocate()
-        reader = NEXUSDataReader()
-        reader.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'))
-        im = reader.load_data()
-        ig = reader.get_geometry()
-        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(im.as_array(), im_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ig.voxel_num_x, ig_test.voxel_num_x, 'ImageGeometry is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ig.voxel_num_y, ig_test.voxel_num_y, 'ImageGeometry is not correct')
-    def testreadAcquisitionData(self):
-        im_size = 5
-        ag2d_test = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'parallel', 
-                                        dimension = '2D', 
-                                        angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
-                                        pixel_num_h = im_size, 
-                                        pixel_size_h = 1, 
-                                        pixel_num_v = im_size, 
-                                        pixel_size_v = 1)
-        ad2d_test = ag2d_test.allocate()
-        reader2d = NEXUSDataReader()
-        reader2d.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'))
-        ad2d = reader2d.load_data()
-        ag2d = reader2d.get_geometry()
-        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ad2d.as_array(), ad2d_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag2d.geom_type, ag2d_test.geom_type, 'ImageGeometry.geom_type is not correct')
-        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ag2d.angles, ag2d_test.angles, 'ImageGeometry.angles is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_num_h, ag2d_test.pixel_num_h, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_num_h is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_size_h, ag2d_test.pixel_size_h, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_size_h is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_num_v, ag2d_test.pixel_num_v, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_num_v is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_size_v, ag2d_test.pixel_size_v, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_size_v is not correct')
-        ag3d_test = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'cone', 
-                                        dimension = '3D', 
-                                        angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
-                                        pixel_num_h = im_size, 
-                                        pixel_size_h = 1, 
-                                        pixel_num_v = im_size, 
-                                        pixel_size_v = 1,
-                                        dist_source_center = 1,
-                                        dist_center_detector = 1, 
-                                        channels = im_size)
-        ad3d_test = ag3d_test.allocate()
-        reader3d = NEXUSDataReader()
-        reader3d.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'))
-        ad3d = reader3d.load_data()
-        ag3d = reader3d.get_geometry()
-        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ad3d.as_array(), ad3d_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
-        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ag3d.angles, ag3d_test.angles, 'AcquisitionGeometry.angles is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.geom_type, ag3d_test.geom_type, 'AcquisitionGeometry.geom_type is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dimension, ag3d_test.dimension, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dimension is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_num_h, ag3d_test.pixel_num_h, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_num_h is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_size_h, ag3d_test.pixel_size_h, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_size_h is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_num_v, ag3d_test.pixel_num_v, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_num_v is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_size_v, ag3d_test.pixel_size_v, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_size_v is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dist_source_center, ag3d_test.dist_source_center, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dist_source_center is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dist_center_detector, ag3d_test.dist_center_detector, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dist_center_detector is not correct')
-        self.assertEqual(ag3d.channels, ag3d_test.channels, 'AcquisitionGeometry.channels is not correct')
-        def tearDown(self):
-            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'))
-            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'))
-            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/test/ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9add7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+import unittest
+import os
+from import NEXUSDataReader
+from import NEXUSDataWriter
+from ccpi.framework import AcquisitionData, AcquisitionGeometry, ImageData, ImageGeometry
+import numpy
+class TestNexusReaderWriter(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        pass
+    def testwriteImageData(self):
+        im_size = 5
+        ig = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x = im_size,
+        		           voxel_num_y = im_size)
+        im = ig.allocate()
+        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
+        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'),
+                      data_container = im)
+        writer.write_file()
+        self.stestreadImageData()
+    def testwriteAcquisitionData(self):
+        im_size = 5
+        ag2d = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'parallel', 
+                                   dimension = '2D', 
+                                   angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
+                                   pixel_num_h = im_size, 
+                                   pixel_size_h = 1, 
+                                   pixel_num_v = im_size, 
+                                   pixel_size_v = 1)
+        ad2d = ag2d.allocate()
+        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
+        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'),
+                      data_container = ad2d)
+        writer.write_file()
+        ag3d = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'cone', 
+                                   dimension = '3D', 
+                                   angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
+                                   pixel_num_h = im_size, 
+                                   pixel_size_h = 1, 
+                                   pixel_num_v = im_size, 
+                                   pixel_size_v = 1,
+                                   dist_source_center = 1,
+                                   dist_center_detector = 1, 
+                                   channels = im_size)
+        ad3d = ag3d.allocate()
+        writer = NEXUSDataWriter()
+        writer.set_up(file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'),
+                      data_container = ad3d)
+        writer.write_file()
+        self.stestreadAcquisitionData()
+    def stestreadImageData(self):
+        im_size = 5
+        ig_test = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x = im_size,
+                                voxel_num_y = im_size)
+        im_test = ig_test.allocate()
+        reader = NEXUSDataReader()
+        reader.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'))
+        im = reader.load_data()
+        ig = reader.get_geometry()
+        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(im.as_array(), im_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ig.voxel_num_x, ig_test.voxel_num_x, 'ImageGeometry is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ig.voxel_num_y, ig_test.voxel_num_y, 'ImageGeometry is not correct')
+    def stestreadAcquisitionData(self):
+        im_size = 5
+        ag2d_test = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'parallel', 
+                                        dimension = '2D', 
+                                        angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
+                                        pixel_num_h = im_size, 
+                                        pixel_size_h = 1, 
+                                        pixel_num_v = im_size, 
+                                        pixel_size_v = 1)
+        ad2d_test = ag2d_test.allocate()
+        reader2d = NEXUSDataReader()
+        reader2d.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'))
+        ad2d = reader2d.load_data()
+        ag2d = reader2d.get_geometry()
+        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ad2d.as_array(), ad2d_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag2d.geom_type, ag2d_test.geom_type, 'ImageGeometry.geom_type is not correct')
+        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ag2d.angles, ag2d_test.angles, 'ImageGeometry.angles is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_num_h, ag2d_test.pixel_num_h, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_num_h is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_size_h, ag2d_test.pixel_size_h, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_size_h is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_num_v, ag2d_test.pixel_num_v, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_num_v is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag2d.pixel_size_v, ag2d_test.pixel_size_v, 'ImageGeometry.pixel_size_v is not correct')
+        ag3d_test = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type = 'cone', 
+                                        dimension = '3D', 
+                                        angles = numpy.array([0, 1]), 
+                                        pixel_num_h = im_size, 
+                                        pixel_size_h = 1, 
+                                        pixel_num_v = im_size, 
+                                        pixel_size_v = 1,
+                                        dist_source_center = 1,
+                                        dist_center_detector = 1, 
+                                        channels = im_size)
+        ad3d_test = ag3d_test.allocate()
+        reader3d = NEXUSDataReader()
+        reader3d.set_up(nexus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'))
+        ad3d = reader3d.load_data()
+        ag3d = reader3d.get_geometry()
+        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ad3d.as_array(), ad3d_test.as_array(), 'Loaded image is not correct')
+        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ag3d.angles, ag3d_test.angles, 'AcquisitionGeometry.angles is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.geom_type, ag3d_test.geom_type, 'AcquisitionGeometry.geom_type is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dimension, ag3d_test.dimension, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dimension is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_num_h, ag3d_test.pixel_num_h, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_num_h is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_size_h, ag3d_test.pixel_size_h, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_size_h is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_num_v, ag3d_test.pixel_num_v, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_num_v is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.pixel_size_v, ag3d_test.pixel_size_v, 'AcquisitionGeometry.pixel_size_v is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dist_source_center, ag3d_test.dist_source_center, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dist_source_center is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.dist_center_detector, ag3d_test.dist_center_detector, 'AcquisitionGeometry.dist_center_detector is not correct')
+        self.assertEqual(ag3d.channels, ag3d_test.channels, 'AcquisitionGeometry.channels is not correct')
+        def tearDown(self):
+            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_im.nxs'))
+            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad2d.nxs'))
+            os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_nexus_ad3d.nxs'))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
cgit v1.2.3

From a12ba71294078c9d1512d926296eca70b3349725 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edoardo Pasca <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 11:02:05 +0100
Subject: added testclass file to hold the CCPiTestClass definitions

 Wrappers/Python/test/ | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 Wrappers/Python/test/

(limited to 'Wrappers')

diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/test/ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..51b9f3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import unittest
+from ccpi.framework import ImageGeometry, ImageData, BlockDataContainer, DataContainer
+import numpy
+def dt(steps):
+    return steps[-1] - steps[-2]
+class CCPiTestClass(unittest.TestCase):
+    def assertBlockDataContainerEqual(self, container1, container2):
+        print ("assert Block Data Container Equal")
+        self.assertTrue(issubclass(container1.__class__, container2.__class__))
+        for col in range(container1.shape[0]):
+            if issubclass(container1.get_item(col).__class__, DataContainer):
+                print ("Checking col ", col)
+                self.assertNumpyArrayEqual(
+                    container1.get_item(col).as_array(), 
+                    container2.get_item(col).as_array()
+                    )
+            else:
+                self.assertBlockDataContainerEqual(container1.get_item(col),container2.get_item(col))
+    def assertNumpyArrayEqual(self, first, second):
+        res = True
+        try:
+            numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(first, second)
+        except AssertionError as err:
+            res = False
+            print(err)
+        self.assertTrue(res)
+    def assertNumpyArrayAlmostEqual(self, first, second, decimal=6):
+        res = True
+        try:
+            numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(first, second, decimal)
+        except AssertionError as err:
+            res = False
+            print(err)
+            print("expected " , second)
+            print("actual " , first)
+        self.assertTrue(res)
\ No newline at end of file
cgit v1.2.3