The GObject Tango device ======================== UcaDevice is a generic Tango Device that wraps ``libuca`` in order to make libuca controlled cameras available as Tango devices. Architecture ------------ UcaDevice is derived from GObjectDevice and adds libuca specific features like start/stop recording etc. The most important feature is *acquisition control*. UcaDevice is responsible for controlling acquisition of images from libuca. The last aquired image can be accessed by reading attribute ``SingleImage``. UcaDevice is most useful together with ImageDevice. If used together, UcaDevice sends each aquired image to ImageDevice, which in turn does configured post-processing like flipping, rotating or writing the image to disk. Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ Besides the dynamic attributes translated from libuca properties UcaDevice has the following attributes: - ``NumberOfImages (Tango::DevLong)``: how many images should be acquired? A value of -1 means unlimited *(read/write)* - ``ImageCounter (Tango::DevULong)``: current number of acquired images *(read-only)* - ``CameraName (Tango::DevString)``: name of libuca object type *(read-only)* - ``SingleImage (Tango::DevUChar)``: holds the last acquired image Acquisition Control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In UcaDevice acquisition control is mostly implemented by two ``yat4tango::DeviceTasks``: *AcquisitionTask* and *GrabTask*. *GrabTask*'s only responsibility is to call ``grab`` on ``libuca`` synchronously and post the data on to AcquisitionTask. *AcquisitionTask* is responsible for starting and stopping GrabTask and for passing image data on to ``ImageDevice`` (if exisiting) and to ``UcaDevice`` for storage in attribute ``SingleImage``. It counts how many images have been acquired and checks this number against the configured ``NumberOfImages``. If the desired number is reached, it stops GrabTask, calls ``stop_recording`` on ``libuca`` and sets the Tango state to STANDBY. Plugins ~~~~~~~ As different cameras have different needs, plugins are used for special implementations. Plugins also makes UcaDevice and Tango Servers based on it more flexible and independent of libuca implementation. * PCO: The Pco plugin implements additional checks when writing ROI values. * Pylon: The Pylon plugin sets default values for ``roi-width`` and ``roi-height`` from libuca properties ``roi-width-default`` and ``roi-height-default``. Installation ------------ Detailed installation depends on the manifestation of UcaDevice. All manifestations depend on the following libraries: - YAT - YAT4Tango - Tango - GObjectDevice - ImageDevice Build ~~~~~ :: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig export PYLON_ROOT=/usr/pylon export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PYLON_ROOT/lib64:$PYLON_ROOT/genicam/bin/Linux64_x64 git clone git@iss-repo:UcaDevice.git cd UcaDevice mkdir build cd build cmake .. make Setup in Tango Database / Jive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before ``ds_UcaDevice`` can be started, it has to be registered manually in the Tango database. With ``Jive`` the following steps are necessary: 1. Register Server Menu *Tools* → Server Wizard Server name → ds\_UcaDevice Instance name → my\_server *(name can be chosen freely)* Next Cancel 2. Register Classes and Instances In tab *Server*: context menu on ds\_UcaDevice → my\_server → Add Class Class: UcaDevice Devices: ``iss/name1/name2`` Register server same for class ImageDevice 3. Start server :: export TANGO_HOST=anka-tango:100xx export UCA_DEVICE_PLUGINS_DIR=/usr/lib(64) ds_UcaDevice pco my_server 4. Setup properties for UcaDevice context menu on device → Device wizard Property StorageDevice: *address of previously registered ImageDevice instance* 5. Setup properties for ImageDevice context menu on device → Device wizard PixelSize: how many bytes per pixel for the images of this camera? GrabbingDevice: *address of previously registered UcaDevice instance* 6. Finish restart ds_UcaDevice FAQ --- *UcaDevice refuses to start up...?* Most likely there is no instance registered for class UcaDevice. Register an instance for this class and it should work. *Why does UcaDevice depend on ImageDevice?* UcaDevice pushes each new Frame to ImageDevice. Polling is not only less efficient but also prone to errors, e.g. missed/double frames and so on. Perhaps we could use the Tango-Event-System here! Open Questions, Missing Features etc. ------------------------------------- * *Why do we need to specify ``Storage`` for UcaDevice and ``GrabbingDevice`` for ImageDevice?* ImageDevice needs the Tango-Address of UcaDevice to mirror all Attributes and Commands and to forward them to it. UcaDevice needs the Tango-Address of ImageDevice to push a new frame on reception. A more convenient solution could be using conventions for the device names, e.g. of the form ``$prefix/$instance_name/uca`` and ``$prefix/$instance_name/image``. That way we could get rid of the two Device-Properties and an easier installation without the process of registering the classes and instances in ``Jive``. * *Why does UcaDevice dynamically link to GObjectDevice?* There is no good reason for it. Packaging and installing would be easier if we linked statically to ``GObjectDevice`` because we would hide this dependency. Having a separate ``GObjectDevice`` is generally a nice feature to make ``GObjects`` available in Tango. However, there is currently no GObjectDevice in use other than in the context of UcaDevice. * *Why must the plugin name be given as a command line parameter instead of a Device-Property?* There is no good reason for it. UcaDevice would be easier to use, if the plugin was configured in the Tango database as a Device-Property for the respective server instance.