/* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Matthias Vogelgesang (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "uca.h" #include "uca-cam.h" #include "uca-grabber.h" struct uca_pf_map { uca_property_ids uca_prop; const char *pf_prop; }; static struct uca_pf_map uca_to_pf[] = { { UCA_PROP_NAME, "CameraName" }, { UCA_PROP_WIDTH, "Window.W" }, { UCA_PROP_WIDTH_MIN, "Window.W.Min" }, { UCA_PROP_WIDTH_MAX, "Window.W.Max" }, { UCA_PROP_HEIGHT, "Window.H" }, { UCA_PROP_HEIGHT_MIN, "Window.H.Min" }, { UCA_PROP_HEIGHT_MAX, "Window.H.Max" }, { UCA_PROP_X_OFFSET, "Window.X" }, { UCA_PROP_X_OFFSET_MIN,"Window.X.Min" }, { UCA_PROP_X_OFFSET_MAX,"Window.X.Max" }, { UCA_PROP_Y_OFFSET, "Window.Y" }, { UCA_PROP_Y_OFFSET_MIN,"Window.Y.Min" }, { UCA_PROP_Y_OFFSET_MAX,"Window.Y.Max" }, { UCA_PROP_EXPOSURE, "ExposureTime" }, { UCA_PROP_EXPOSURE_MIN,"ExposureTime.Min" }, { UCA_PROP_EXPOSURE_MAX,"ExposureTime.Max" }, { UCA_PROP_DELAY, "Trigger.Delay" }, { UCA_PROP_DELAY_MIN, "Trigger.Delay.Min" }, { UCA_PROP_DELAY_MAX, "Trigger.Delay.Max" }, { UCA_PROP_FRAMERATE, "FrameRate" }, { UCA_PROP_TRIGGER_MODE,"Trigger.Source" }, { -1, NULL } }; static int uca_pf_set_uint32_property(TOKEN token, void *data, uint32_t *update_var) { PFValue value; value.type = PF_INT; value.value.i = *((uint32_t *) data); if (update_var != NULL) *update_var = value.value.i; return pfDevice_SetProperty(0, token, &value); } static uint32_t uca_pf_set_property(struct uca_camera_priv *cam, uca_property_ids property, void *data) { struct uca_grabber_priv *grabber = cam->grabber; TOKEN token = INVALID_TOKEN; int i = 0; int err = UCA_NO_ERROR; /* We try to set the property on the grabber. If it returns "invalid", we * also try it via the PF SDK. Else, there was a more serious error. * * FIXME: This is actually not that good for cases where only the grabber * should set a certain property and the camera itself is not able to do so. */ err = grabber->set_property(grabber, property, data); if (((err & UCA_ERR_MASK_CODE) == UCA_ERR_INVALID) || (err == UCA_NO_ERROR)) err = UCA_ERR_CAMERA | UCA_ERR_PROP; else return err; /* Find a valid pf token for the property */ while (uca_to_pf[i].uca_prop != -1) { if (uca_to_pf[i].uca_prop == property) { token = pfProperty_ParseName(0, uca_to_pf[i].pf_prop); break; } i++; } if (token == INVALID_TOKEN) return err | UCA_ERR_INVALID; PFValue value; switch (property) { case UCA_PROP_WIDTH: if (uca_pf_set_uint32_property(token, data, &cam->frame_width) < 0) return err | UCA_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; case UCA_PROP_HEIGHT: if (uca_pf_set_uint32_property(token, data, &cam->frame_height) < 0) return err | UCA_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; case UCA_PROP_EXPOSURE: /* I haven't found a specification but it looks like PF uses milli * seconds. We also by-pass the frame grabber... */ value.type = PF_FLOAT; value.value.f = (float) *((uint32_t *) data) / 1000.0; if (pfDevice_SetProperty(0, token, &value) < 0) return err | UCA_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; default: return err | UCA_ERR_INVALID; } return UCA_NO_ERROR; } static uint32_t uca_pf_get_property(struct uca_camera_priv *cam, uca_property_ids property, void *data, size_t num) { TOKEN t; /* You gotta love developers who name types capitalized... */ PFValue value; /* Handle all special cases */ switch (property) { case UCA_PROP_BITDEPTH: uca_set_void(data, uint32_t, 8); return UCA_NO_ERROR; default: break; } int i = 0; while (uca_to_pf[i].uca_prop != -1) { if (uca_to_pf[i].uca_prop == property) { t = pfProperty_ParseName(0, uca_to_pf[i].pf_prop); if (t == INVALID_TOKEN || (pfDevice_GetProperty(0, t, &value) < 0)) return UCA_ERR_CAMERA | UCA_ERR_PROP | UCA_ERR_INVALID; switch (value.type) { case PF_INT: uca_set_void(data, uint32_t, value.value.i); break; case PF_FLOAT: uca_set_void(data, uint32_t, (uint32_t) floor((value.value.f * 1000.0)+0.5)); break; case PF_STRING: if (property == UCA_PROP_FRAMERATE) { uca_set_void(data, uint32_t, (uint32_t) floor(atof(value.value.p)+0.5)); } else { strncpy((char *) data, value.value.p, num); } break; case PF_MODE: uca_set_void(data, uint32_t, (uint32_t) value.value.i); break; default: break; } return UCA_NO_ERROR; } i++; } /* Try to get the property via frame grabber */ return cam->grabber->get_property(cam->grabber, property, data); } static uint32_t uca_pf_start_recording(struct uca_camera_priv *cam) { return cam->grabber->acquire(cam->grabber, -1); } static uint32_t uca_pf_stop_recording(struct uca_camera_priv *cam) { return cam->grabber->stop_acquire(cam->grabber); } static uint32_t uca_pf_trigger(struct uca_camera_priv *cam) { return cam->grabber->trigger(cam->grabber); } static uint32_t uca_pf_grab(struct uca_camera_priv *cam, char *buffer, void *metadata) { uint16_t *frame; uint32_t err = cam->grabber->grab(cam->grabber, (void **) &frame, &cam->current_frame); if (err != UCA_NO_ERROR) return err; memcpy(buffer, frame, cam->frame_width*cam->frame_height); return UCA_NO_ERROR; } static uint32_t uca_pf_register_callback(struct uca_camera_priv *cam, uca_cam_grab_callback callback, void *user) { if (cam->callback == NULL) { cam->callback = callback; cam->callback_user = user; return cam->grabber->register_callback(cam->grabber, callback, NULL, user); } return UCA_ERR_CAMERA | UCA_ERR_CALLBACK | UCA_ERR_ALREADY_REGISTERED; } static uint32_t uca_pf_destroy(struct uca_camera_priv *cam) { pfDeviceClose(0); return UCA_NO_ERROR; } uint32_t uca_pf_init(struct uca_camera_priv **cam, struct uca_grabber_priv *grabber) { int num_ports; if ((grabber == NULL) || (pfPortInit(&num_ports) < 0) || (pfDeviceOpen(0) < 0)) return UCA_ERR_CAMERA | UCA_ERR_INIT | UCA_ERR_NOT_FOUND; /* We could check if a higher baud rate is supported, but... forget about * it. We don't need high speed configuration. */ struct uca_camera_priv *uca = uca_cam_new(); uca->grabber = grabber; uca->grabber->synchronous = false; /* Camera found, set function pointers... */ uca->destroy = &uca_pf_destroy; uca->set_property = &uca_pf_set_property; uca->get_property = &uca_pf_get_property; uca->start_recording = &uca_pf_start_recording; uca->stop_recording = &uca_pf_stop_recording; uca->trigger = &uca_pf_trigger; uca->grab = &uca_pf_grab; uca->register_callback = &uca_pf_register_callback; /* Prepare frame grabber for recording */ int val = UCA_CL_8BIT_FULL_8; grabber->set_property(grabber, UCA_GRABBER_CAMERALINK_TYPE, &val); val = UCA_FORMAT_GRAY8; grabber->set_property(grabber, UCA_GRABBER_FORMAT, &val); val = UCA_TRIGGER_AUTO; grabber->set_property(grabber, UCA_GRABBER_TRIGGER_MODE, &val); uca_pf_get_property(uca, UCA_PROP_WIDTH, &uca->frame_width, 0); uca_pf_get_property(uca, UCA_PROP_HEIGHT, &uca->frame_height, 0); grabber->set_property(grabber, UCA_PROP_WIDTH, &uca->frame_width); grabber->set_property(grabber, UCA_PROP_HEIGHT, &uca->frame_height); uca->state = UCA_CAM_CONFIGURABLE; *cam = uca; return UCA_NO_ERROR; }